Wikidata Complete Gadget


The WikidataComplete Gadget is a Wikidata gadget that is intended to help users in adding more facts to the Wikidata knowledge base. The tool is fetching suggestions from an API and shows them to the user directly within the Wikidata Web frontend, s.t., adding more facts is becoming convenient. The suggestions are computed automatically from other sources (e.g., Web Content, Knowledge Bases). This project was the part of Google Summer of Code Program 2021 (GSoC'21).


Step 1: Create a Wikidata account

Step 2: After logging in create your own common.js

Step 3: Now add the following line of code to your common.js:


Step 4: Now visit any random item at Wikidata and start editing 🥳

📷 Video Guide:

Check out the video guide

💻 Maintainers

🎆 Contribution Guide

Check out the contribution guide