
Dependency Injection Library for JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Injection Library for JS

How it works?

  • Fist you should define your classes and interfaces. Remember that in javascript interfaces are simulated.

    Define the interface
    function IInterface(){}

    Define the class and "implement" the interface
    function MyClass(){}
    MyClass.prototype=Object.create(IInterface.prototype); <-- Here we "implement"

  • Let's say that our "MyClass" has two dependecies: ISingletonDependency and ITransientDependency

    Define the ISingletonDependency
    function ISingletonDependency(){}

    Define the ITransientDependency
    function ITransientDependency(){}

    Implementation for ISingletonDependency
    function SingletonDependency(){}
    SingletonDependency.prototype=new ISingletonDependency();

    Implementation for ITransientDependency
    function TransientDependency(){}
    TransientDependency.prototype=new ITransientDependency();

    now let's tell our MyClass that will have two new dependencies:
    MyClass.Dependencies=new Array("ISingletonDependency", "ITransientDependency");

  • Now we've got our Objects defined. All objects have their own interface. Let's register them:

    We create a component for an interface and assign an implementation and a life time

  • Once registered we are ready to use our objects!!

    In order to resolve we'll just need to call Resolve method with the desired "interface"
    var myClass=Injectus.Resolve(IInterface);

  • We can also define our max dependencies limit. By default is set to 5 dependencies but you can increase it by calling:

    It will only update the limit if is higher than current in order to preserver compatibility with previously registered components

  • By performing a call to Injectus.GetMetrics().PrintLog() it will print into the debugging console of the browser (if exists) a list of registered components and how many times they've been resolved.

  • For more details. Please have a look to the InjectusJSTest inside /test/lib. There you'll have a nice Jasmine test which will help you to understand how it works