Replace incognito-chain/wasm/gomobile folder with this gomobile folder then build in incognito-chain/wasm/gomobile path

When you build gomobile for Android/iOS, maybe you see these following issues:

  1. panic: read proc auxv failed: open /proc/self/auxv: permission denied:
E/Go: panic: read proc auxv failed: open /proc/self/auxv: permission denied
E/GoLog: panic: read proc auxv failed: open /proc/self/auxv: permission denied
E/Go: goroutine 1 [running]:
E/Go: <redacted>vendor/
E/Go: 	<redacted>/vendor/

Please replace file /vendor/ by :

buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(procAuxv)
if err != nil {
    //panic("read proc auxv failed: " + err.Error())

  1. libproc.h file not found Please comment 2 files: metadata/issuingethrequest.go and metadata/issuingethresponse.go