
Inline short documentation for PHP functions, including a summary and parameters.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This extension provides a quick documentation to each php function and to some php predefined classes. You can also add your own docs: User defined functions

How to use

You can use the Navigation menu or Ctrl+K (Windows) or CMD+K (Mac), while your cursor is on a php function, to open the inline documentation.


This extension uses the documentation from http://php.net.

User defined function documentation

Use PHPDoc to document your own functions and get inline documentations as well. It's also working if your own function isn't part of your current document but inside a php class. If the function is inside a php class it is important, that the filename contains the classname!


The php class inside an other file (class.table2array.php): PHP-class

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You don't need a second yacht and have some coins to spend? Here I am :)

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##The documentation includes

  • description
  • syntax
  • return
  • parameters
  • title
  • description

##PHP Classes

  • DateTime
  • ArrayObject


  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French


Creative Commons v3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/