stolen from here
Names with leading and trailing underscores are reserved for system purposes and should not be used for any user-created names. Most systems use them for names that the user should not have to know. If you must have your own private identifiers, begin them with a letter or two identifying the package to which they belong.
#define constants should be in all CAPS.
Enum constants are Capitalized or in all CAPS
Function, typedef, and variable names, as well as struct, union, and enum tag names should be in lower case.
Many macro "functions" are in all CAPS. Some macros (such as getchar and putchar) are in lower case since they may also exist as functions. Lower-case macro names are only acceptable if the macros behave like a function call, that is, they evaluate their parameters exactly once and do not assign values to named parameters. Sometimes it is impossible to write a macro that behaves like a function even though the arguments are evaluated exactly once.