Nanodegree Data Analyst

In this repository you could find all my answers to the Nanodegree Data Analyst course at udacity:

P0 - Analyze Chopstick Length

P1 - Test a Perceptual Phenomenon

Basic statistical analysis.

P2 - Investigate a Dataset

Analyze NYC Subway dataset with Python.

P3 - Wrangle OpenStreetMap Data

Analyze OSM data with MongoDB and Python.

P4 - Explore and Summarize Data

Analyze Taxi data with R.

P5 - Identify Fraud from Enron EMail

Analyze EMail data with Python using Machine Learning.

P6 - Make effective Data Visualizations

Visualization with D3, DimpleJS and Leaflet. See and for results.

P7 - Design an A/B Test

Design Udacity A/B test.