
WildRent is a project using Next.js for the frontend and Express with Apollo Server for the backend.



Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine.

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/Dreyrk/wildrent.git
cd wildrent

Install dependencies

npm install
npm run install
# Install dependencies for frontend and backend

Available Scripts

npm run dev
#Launches the Next.js and Express development server.
npm run build
#Builds the project for production.
npm run start
#Starts the production server after building the project.
npm run check-types
#Checks TypeScript types in both frontend and backend.
npm run check-lint
#Runs ESLint to check code style.
npm run check-format
#Checks if the code is properly formatted with Prettier.
npm run build
#Try to build both frontend and backend.
npm run format
#Format the code with prettier
npm run test-all
#Runs all type-checking, linting, and formatting checks.

Project Structure

frontend/: Contains the source code of the Next.js frontend.

backend/: Contains the source code of the Express and Apollo Server backend.