Welcome to the ENS Superchain Resolver documentation! This project enables scalable and efficient storage and management of ENS records on superchains such as OP Mainnet and Base, while ensuring data integrity through verifiable storage proofs. 🎉
The ENS Superchain Resolver is a next-generation solution for managing ENS records on L2 networks, such as OP Mainnet and Base. It reduces congestion and fees on Ethereum mainnet by securely querying and verifying records stored on L2, using a Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) for trust-minimized interoperability.
- Scalable and Efficient: Utilizes L2 networks to minimize congestion and fees.
- Trust-Minimized: Provides verifiable storage proofs, ensuring that records returned are authentic and untampered.
- Compatible with CCIP: Integrates with the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol to facilitate secure cross-chain communication.
The ENS Superchain Resolver Contract is deployed on Ethereum mainnet (L1) and serves as the ENS resolver for domains. It implements CCIP read to enable secure off-chain lookups.
resolve(bytes calldata name, bytes calldata data)
: Handles queries by emitting anOffchainLookup
event to request data from the CCIP Gateway Server.resolveWithProof(bytes calldata response, bytes calldata extraData)
: Verifies storage proofs returned by the gateway server and checks them against the state root on Ethereum mainnet.
contract OP_Resolver is Ownable {
ENS immutable ens = ENS(0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e);
INameWrapper immutable nameWrapper = INameWrapper(0xD4416b13d2b3a9aBae7AcD5D6C2BbDBE25686401);
constructor(address initialOwner, string memory _url, address[] memory _signers, address oracle, address registry) Ownable(initialOwner) {
url = _url;
DisputeOracle = oracle;
deployedRegistryOnL2 = registry;
for (uint i = 0; i < _signers.length; i++) {
signers[_signers[i]] = true;
emit NewSigners(_signers);
function resolve(bytes calldata name, bytes calldata data) external view returns (bytes memory) {
(bytes4 functionSelector, bytes memory callDataWithoutSelector, bytes32 node) = decodeData(data);
address authorized = ens.owner(node);
if (authorized == address(0)) {
(authorized, node) = findAuthorizedAddress(name);
if (authorized == address(nameWrapper)) {
authorized = nameWrapper.ownerOf(uint256(node));
(uint256 blockNumber,) = getBlockandRoot();
bytes memory callData = abi.encode(functionSelector, callDataWithoutSelector, authorized, blockNumber);
urls[0] = url;
revert OffchainLookup(address(this), urls, callData, OP_Resolver.resolveWithProof.selector, callData);
The CCIP Gateway Server bridges the L1 resolver and L2 contracts. It handles requests, queries L2 records, generates proofs, and returns data back to the L1 resolver.
const { Web3 } = require('web3');
const { rlp, bufferToHex } = require('ethereumjs-util');
const web3 = new Web3(""); //rpc
const registry = //registry contract
const abi = //ABI of registry contract
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, registry);
async function handleAddr(callData, authorized, blockNumber, res) {
const node = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter('bytes32', callData);
const rawresult = await contract.methods.addrAndTimestamp(node, authorized).call({}, blockNumber);
if (rawresult === '0x') {
return res.send({"data": rawresult});
const decoded = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['bytes', 'uint256'], rawresult);
const result = decoded[0];
const encodedResult = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('address', result);
const finalSlot = await calculateCoinAddrSlot(node, 60, authorized); // ETH coin type is 60
returnProof(encodedResult, finalSlot, blockNumber, res);
After the gateway server generates the required proofs, the L1 contract is recalled with these proofs to verify the authenticity of the data. This ensures that the L1 contract can validate the records returned by the gateway server using the provided storage proofs.
Here's the Solidity function for resolving with proofs on the L1 contract:
function resolveWithProof(bytes calldata response, bytes calldata extraData) external view returns (bytes memory result) {
bytes memory encodedResult;
ProofData memory proof;
bytes32 withdrawalStorageRoot;
bytes32 latestBlockhash;
bytes4 functionSelector;
uint256 blockNumber;
(functionSelector, , , blockNumber) = abi.decode(extraData, (bytes4, bytes, address, uint256));
(encodedResult, proof.slotPosition, proof.proofsBlob, proof.stateRoot, withdrawalStorageRoot, latestBlockhash) = abi.decode(response, (bytes, bytes32, bytes, bytes32, bytes32, bytes32));
require(compareOutputRoot(proof.stateRoot, withdrawalStorageRoot, latestBlockhash, blockNumber) == true, "Output root comparison failed");
if (functionSelector == 0xf1cb7e06 || functionSelector == 0xbc1c58d1) {
require(getValueFromStateProof(proof.stateRoot, deployedRegistryOnBase, proof.slotPosition, proof.proofsBlob) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(abi.decode(encodedResult, (bytes)))), "StorageProof Value Mismatch");
return encodedResult;
if (functionSelector == 0x3b3b57de) {
require(getValueFromStateProof(proof.stateRoot, deployedRegistryOnBase, proof.slotPosition, proof.proofsBlob) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(abi.decode(encodedResult, (address)))), "StorageProof Value Mismatch");
return encodedResult;
if (functionSelector == 0x59d1d43c) {
require(getValueFromStateProof(proof.stateRoot, deployedRegistryOnBase, proof.slotPosition, proof.proofsBlob) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(abi.decode(encodedResult, (string)))), "StorageProof Value Mismatch");
return encodedResult;
This function verifies the proofs received from the gateway server by comparing the state root and storage proof values, ensuring data integrity and trustworthiness before returning the final resolved record.
These smart contracts are deployed on OP Mainnet and Base to store ENS records. Users interact with these contracts to set or update their ENS records (e.g., address records, content hashes, text records).
Deploy ENS Superchain Resolver Contract on L1:
- Deployed on Ethereum mainnet, it serves as the ENS resolver for users. The contract implements CCIP read and queries a gateway server.
Deploy CCIP Gateway Server:
- The server handles requests from the resolver, queries L2 contracts, and generates storage proofs.
Deploy ENS Records Smart Contracts on L2 Chains:
- Smart contracts on OP Mainnet and Base store ENS records.
Querying Process:
- The ENS client queries the L1 resolver.
- The L1 resolver triggers an
event. - The Gateway Server retrieves the records and storage proofs from L2.
- The L1 resolver verifies the proofs and returns the verified records.
Set the ENS Superchain Resolver as Your Resolver:
- Go to your ENS domain management interface and set the ENS Superchain Resolver contract address as your domain resolver.
Interact with the ENS Records Manager App:
- Use the app to set or update your address records, content hashes, and text records on supported L2 chains.
Deploy Your Own Instances of the Smart Contracts:
- Deploy the ENS Superchain Resolver Contract on Ethereum mainnet (L1).
- Deploy the ENS Records Smart Contracts on the desired L2 chains (e.g., OP Mainnet and Base).
Run Your Own CCIP Gateway Server:
- Clone the gateway server repository and deploy your own instance.
- Configure the server to handle requests from your deployed L1 resolver and query the corresponding L2 contracts.
Set the Gateway URL in the L1 Resolver Contract:
- After deploying the L1 resolver, set the URL of your deployed CCIP Gateway Server API in the resolver contract. This URL is necessary for the L1 resolver to communicate with the Gateway Server to fetch and verify off-chain data.
Integrate with the ENS Superchain Resolver:
- Ensure your dApp or client supports CCIP read functionality.
- Use the
library or any CCIP-enabled client to query the resolver.
This example demonstrates how to use ethers.js
to query the ENS Superchain Resolver, which includes handling the CCIP process.
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// Connect to Ethereum mainnet
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID");
// Resolver contract address
const resolverAddress = "0xYourENSResolverAddress";
// Create a contract instance
const resolverContract = new ethers.Contract(resolverAddress, [
"function resolve(bytes calldata name, bytes calldata data) external view returns (bytes memory)"
], provider);
// Define the ENS name and data to query
const ensName = "example.eth";
const data = "0xYourQueryData";
// Function to handle off-chain lookup via CCIP gateway
async function handleOffchainLookup(sender, urls, callData, callbackFunction, extraData) {
try {
// Send the request to the first URL in the list
const response = await fetch(urls[0], {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ data: callData })
// Parse the response from the gateway server
const responseData = await response.json();
const result = responseData.data;
// Call the callback function on the resolver contract with the response
const finalResult = await resolverContract[callbackFunction](result, extraData);
console.log("Final Record:", finalResult);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error handling off-chain lookup:", error);
// Query the resolver
async function queryResolver() {
try {
const result = await resolverContract.resolve(ethers.utils.namehash(ensName), data);
console.log("Record:", result);
} catch (error) {
if (error.errorName === "OffchainLookup") {
const { sender, urls, callData, callbackFunction, extraData } = error.errorArgs;
await handleOffchainLookup(sender, urls, callData, callbackFunction, extraData);
} else {
console.error("Error querying resolver:", error);
Example of handling a request on the gateway server:
async function handleText(callData, authorized, blockNumber, res) {
const decodedVars = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['bytes32', 'string'], callData);
const node = decodedVars[0];
const key = decodedVars[1];
const rawresult = await contract.methods.textAndTimestamp(node, key, authorized).call({}, blockNumber);
if (rawresult === '0x') {
return res.send({"data": rawresult});
const decoded = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['string', 'uint256'], rawresult);
const result = decoded[0];
const encodedResult = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('string', result);
const finalSlot = await calculateTextSlot(node, key, authorized);
returnProof(encodedResult, finalSlot, blockNumber, res);
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.