
Samples for the Netduino family of boards

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Netduino Samples

The Netduino Samples repository contains the source code for a example projects using the Netduino family of boards.

Further information about the Netduino boards and the samples in this repository can be found in the Wilderness Labs Developer Portal.

Sample Name Description
Blinky Quintessential Netduino Hello, world. application.
Button with Interrupts Listening to an InterruptPort for button press events.
Controlling a Servo Using PWM to control a servo.
Driving an LED using PWM Driving a single LED using a PWM signal.
Glitch filtering Filtering circuit noise using a Glitch Filter in the event model.
LCD Display Driving a 16 x 2 LCD using the MicroLiquidCrystal library.
Potentiometer and RGB LED Changing the color of an RGB LED using the AnalogPort to read a potentiometer.
Read DS3234 Using SPI Read the current date and time from a DS3234 Real Time Clock module.
RGB Blinky Simple sample driving a RGB LED.
RGB LED and PWM Driving a RGB LED using PWM.
SD Cards Reading and writing an SD card.
TMP012 - Reading temperature Reading the temperature from a TMP102 temperature sensor.
TMP102 - Writing registers Writing to the register on the TMP102 to reconfigure the sensor.
UART Reading a writing data to a UART.
Web Request Connecting to the internet and making a HttpWebRequest.
Web Request (Multithreaded) Making a multithreaded httpWebRequest.

Wilderness Labs welcomes and encourages constrictive contributions. We believe that documentation is best when a diverse community of folks with a variety of perspectives and experience share their wisdom and findings with others. Additionally, documentation contributions are a great way to capture learnings that you may even reference yourself.

For more information, please see the Contributing page.


Documentation Prose

All the documentation prose is released under a Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license. Feel free to share verbatim in non-commercial usage and provide attribution. Commercial usage may be granted in certain use cases. If you need a more permissive license, please contact us at hello@wildernesslabs.co.

Creative Commons BY-NC-ND Logo

Human Readable Version of the License

Code Samples and Code Snippets

All code samples and code snippets, whether they be full applications, or embedded snippets within the documentation are released under the Apache 2 license. Feel free to use and distribute the code as you see fit, under the very permissive terms of the license.