
My book: Statistics - New Foundations, Toolbox, and Machine Learning Recipes.

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains the material related to my book Intuitive Machine Learning, available here. The table of contents is available here. To access the main folder, click here.

Python code:

  • HDT.py: Hidden decision trees (ensemble method). Described in my article Advanced Machine Learning with Basic Excel, available here.
  • brownian_path.py, brownian_var.py: Described in my article Weird Random Walks: Synthetizing, Testing, and Leveraging Quasi-randomness, available here.
  • fuzzy.py: Described in my article Interpretable Machine Learning: Multipurpose, Model-free, Math-free Fuzzy Regression, available here.
  • fittingCurve.py, fittingEllipse.py, mixture1D.py: Described in my article Machine Learning Cloud Regression: The Swiss Army Knife of Optimization, available here.

See also randomNumbersTesting.py, in this folder. It is part of my article Detecting Subtle Departures from Randomness available here.


    HDTdata4Excel.xlsx: Hidden decision trees (ensemble method). Described in my article Advanced Machine Learning with Basic Excel, available here.
  • shapes4.xlsx: Described in my article Computer Vision: Shape Classification via Explainable AI, available here.
  • regression5.xlsx, regression5_Static.xlsx: Described in my article Interpretable Machine Learning on Synthetic Data, and Little Known Secrets About Linear Regression, available here.
  • linear2-small.xlsx: Described in my article Gentle Introduction to Linear Algebra, with Spectacular Applications, available here.
  • fuzzyf2.xlsx: Described in my article Interpretable Machine Learning: Multipurpose, Model-free, Math-free Fuzzy Regression, available here.