
Caddy webserver running in Docker, set up for use as a reverse proxy and static content server.

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2023-02-28 There are certain cases where this proxy does not work as well as the nginxproxy. Specifically for ESRI products. So I am back to using nginxproxy at this time.

Caddy is a simple fast web server that I use here as a reverse proxy.

My reverse proxy configuration based on lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy.

I experimented with the cloudflare variant but ended up not using it. homeall/caddy-reverse-proxy-cloudflare

For Clatsop County and for TARRA the owners of the domains do not use Cloudflare, so I have to have web servers exposed to the Internet on port 80 to make it work.

Many thanks to homeall and to lucaslorentz for their excellent work.

What this project is for

I have several use cases I need to support, that I had already conquered with the nginx proxy.

At home I met the basic requirement, which is to reverse proxy several services that were already running behind a swag proxy.

Use Docker to run a simple HTTP server.

Just to kick things off, this is a Caddy HTTP server.

docker run -p 80:80 -v caddy_data:/data caddy


Copy sample.env to .env and edit.

Create the swarm-scoped network (works for compose or swarm) (I can't remember, I think I ended up not using swarm scoping.)

docker network create -d overlay proxy


docker network create proxy

Without Cloudflare

I removed the cloudflare token entries in docker-compose.yml, use docker-compose-cloudflare.yml if you use Cloudflare.

Using Cloudflare

Generate an API token at Cloudflare. The token needs Zone-Zone-Read and Zone-DNS-Edit.

Create certificates volume

Create the volume for certificates and a link. The link makes it easier to work with the certificates from other containers like svelte-template-app.

I tried using a normal Docker volume but hit permissions problems so now I just do "mkdir certs".

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cloudflare.yml up -d
docker run -ti --rm \
  -v proxy_certs:/db
     alpine sh -c 'ln -s /db/caddy/certificates/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org-directory/ certificates'

The traditional non-Cloudflare path

I have to test this at home since I don't have control of the firewall and DNS at work. I need to simulate the same uses cases, see TESTS below.

For this to work, the firewall must route traffic for port 80 and 443 to this machine.

docker-compose up -d


I decided to borrow the certificates generated here to test a Svelte app (svelte-template-app) that needed authentication, so I wanted it to use SSL. That means it needed to be able to read the certificates that Caddy generates.

I changed this project to drop root permissions when it runs Caddy. This is why you need to specify a USER_ID in the .env file. Dropping root also means you need group read on the Docker socket, so there is also GROUP_ID in the .env. If you change these then you need to do another 'docker-compose build'.

To drop root, I had to change permissions on the caddy_data and config folders. I created a user "caddy" and put it in the "docker" group so that it could read the unix docker socket. Then I gave the volume group write and set its group to "docker". I moved the config folder from /config, and it does not need to be in a separate volume, so it's in /home/caddy/ now (in the container).

Almost there

At this point you should probably do a build and see if everything works.

docker-compose build


There are two test servers COMMENTED OUT in the docker-compose.yml file, you must provide "test.YOURDOMAIN" and "home.YOURDOMAIN" entries in your DNS for the tests to work. You can remove the "#" in front of the lines in docker-compose.yml and then restart it.


The usual

docker-compose up -d

Start in SWARM mode, which I don't do currently.

docker-compose -f docker-swarm.yml config

But wait! "Deploy" ignores .env files. So this fails.

docker stack deploy -c docker-swarm.yml caddy

But this works.

docker stack deploy <(docker-compose -f docker-swarm.yml config) caddy

docker stack services


docker stack ls docker stack remove caddy

How to reload just the proxy

This is the clumsy way.

docker exec caddy_caddy_1 caddy reload --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile --adapter caddyfile

This is more elegant. Not sure if it works. TODO :-)

docker exec caddy_caddy_1 curl http://localhost:2019/reload/


Solve these problems to determine if it is suitable.

  • Support more than one FQDN (virtual hosts)
  • Support static content on different paths
  • Reverse proxy many services, on different virtual hosts
  • Can it run in SWARM mode? This would allow me to run the proxy on one machine and have services on others. For example, I could put webforms.co.clatsop.or.us on cc-giscache and put the actual Flask docker on cc-testmaps. This is not essential but would be great to separate development from production.

I am going to use these services as my test.

  • A service running in its own container falco.wildsong.biz
  • A folder of static content underneath the same server at /static/
  • Another docker service on a different path. home-assistant.wildsong.biz
  • A service running on a different machine mapproxy.wildsong.biz

Comprehensive list of supported URLs

For CC, test these URLs, they are the ones we need to have functional.

This is a flask microservice that uses SQL to find the location of photos, then serves them. curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/property/59210 curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/tn/property/59210

This is mapproxy curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/ curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/osip/demo/?srs=EPSG%3A3857&format=image%2Fjpeg&wms_layer=osip2018

Content served directly from nginx curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/precincts/Precinct_119.pdf curl https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/precinct_tn/Precinct_119.png

The all require redirects, hence the -L curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/static curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/waterway/5114 curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/tn/waterway/5114 curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/bridges/604A curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/bridges/604A.jpg curl -L https://giscache.co.clatsop.or.us/photos/tn/bridges/604A

This is another separate nginx server; could merge it but maybe it will just go away soon? https://capacity.co.clatsop.or.us/cases

This just redirects to a different server (Matomo) https://echo.co.clatsop.or.us/

Adding a new service

The service has to have labels defined in its docker-compose.yml file to tell Caddy about it. Here is my Home Assistant for example,

      caddy: homeassistant.${DOMAIN}
      caddy.reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams 8123}}"
      caddy.tls.protocols: "tls1.3"
      caddy.tls.dns: "cloudflare ${API_TOKEN}"


See my Mediawiki project, which uses this proxy and runs a MediaWiki based wiki. https://github.com/Wildsong/docker-caddy-mediawiki


Cloudflare API tokens, find them in your Cloudflare profile and look in the left bar for "API Tokens".


Caddy cloudflare plugin needs a token Zone - Zone - Read and Zone - DNS - Edit and I set one for map46.com only.

Other useful commands

Test a CaddyFile.

docker run --rm -v $PWD/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile caddy:2.4.6 caddy fmt /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

List the current configuration

CAD=docker ps | grep caddy-reverse | cut -c 1-12 docker exec $CAD curl -s http://localhost:2019/config/ | jq

Future work

Deal with config issues some more elegant way?


Make it all work under swarm. Currently what's holding me back is Home Assistant, which has to be able to access a USB device to talk Zigbee. Until I work that out, I will be stuck in Compose.