
Lisp implementation of Lurk.

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT

lurk (Lurk in Lisp)

This repo is the Lisp counterpart to lurk-rs (Lurk in Rust). Lurk in Lisp allows for documentation and implementation of the API without the proof-related mechanisms of Lurk in Rust. The Lisp version of Lurk provides specifications that define the semantics of Lurk and allow for exploration of its capabilities and future iterations of the language.




Mac OS X

> brew install sbcl


The package manager version of sbcl is too old, so install from source.

Instructions to install from source
  • Download from github:
git clone https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl
  • Change directory:
cd sbcl
  • Compile (will take some time):
sh make.sh
  • Install (you may need sudo):
sh install.sh

If you prefer a different configuration, follow the README and INSTALL files of the sbcl source repo.

QuickLisp & ASDF

Install QuickLisp:

sbcl --load path/of/quicklisp.lisp

After sbcl has launched, type in the command below.


Now Quicklisp has been installed. To ensure Quicklisp is loaded every time you start Lisp, type in the command below.


Integrate the project with quicklisp

QuickLisp needs to find the project, so add a symlink:

> cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
> ln -s ~/<installdir>/lurk/lurk.asd lurk.asd


Lurk source files used in tests are in the lurk-lib submodule. You must initialize and update submodules before test will pass.

> git submodule init
Submodule 'lurk-lib' (git@github.com:lurk-lang/lurk-lib.git) registered for path 'lurk-lib'
> git submodule update
Cloning into '<installation-path>/lurk-lang/lurk/lurk-lib'...
Submodule path 'lurk-lib': checked out '<lurk-lib-head-commit>'


Running tests should show output similar to the following.

(base) ➜  lurk git:(master) ✗ make test
bin/cl -Q -sp lurk -x "(asdf:test-system \"lurk\")"

Running test suite MASTER-SUITE
Did 272 checks.
    Pass: 272 (100%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 0 ( 0%)

(base) ➜  lurk git:(master) ✗


Run the REPL with make repl.

The example below shows loading a library, running code using it, then clearing so the library is unavailable.

➜  lurk git:(master) ✗ make repl          
Lurk REPL [API].
:help for help.

API> :help

:HELP => Print this text.
:QUIT => :Quit REPL.
:ECHO <FORM> =>  Read one form and echo it.
:LOAD <PATH> => Load a library.
:CLEAR => Clear loaded libraries.
:RUN <PATH> => Evaluate expressions from file.

API> :load "lurk-lib/example/lib.lurk"
Read from lurk-lib/example/lib.lurk: (LETREC
                                           ((SQUARE (LAMBDA (X) (* X X))))

API> (square 8)

API> :clear

API> :run "lurk-lib/example/test.lurk"
Read from lurk-lib/example/test.lurk: (LURK.TOOLING.REPL::!
                                            (:LOAD "lib.lurk"))
Read from /Users/clwk/fil/lurk/lurk-lib/example/lib.lurk: (LETREC
                                                             (LAMBDA (X)
                                                              (* X X))))
Read from lurk-lib/example/test.lurk: (LURK.TOOLING.REPL::!
                                       (:ASSERT-EQ (SQUARE 8) 64))
Read from lurk-lib/example/test.lurk: (LURK.TOOLING.REPL::!
                                       (:ASSERT-EQ (SQUARE 9) 81))
Read from lurk-lib/example/test.lurk: (LURK.TOOLING.REPL::!
                                       (:ASSERT (EQ (SQUARE 10) 100)))

API> :quit

➜  lurk git:(master) ✗ 


(ql:quickload :lurk)
(in-package :lurk.api.impl)
(run! 'api-impl-suite)
(run! 'eval-expr-for-p)


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