
Test project to investigate main light shadow cascades culling in Unity render pipelines


Test project to investigate main light shadow cascades culling in Unity render pipelines

Illustrates the comment mentioned in Unity-Technologies/Graphics#1616 (comment)

Illustration steps

The test contains 8 shadow casters (4 cubes, 4 spheres) spread along the 4 cascades slices of a DIrectional Light:

Be careful that currently Package Manager fails to download packages from repos containing largefiles, so until this is fixed you have to locally checkout that modified URP fork/branch, and modify file cascades-culling-urp-cullingplanes/Packages/manifest.json to make it use this local version of URP package.

  • Open Frame Debugger in both projects

In reference scene, only 12 shadow casters are rendered in the shadow map.
In the test scene, that uses a version of URP modified to keep the ShadowSplitData culling planes returned from CullingResults.ComputeDirectionalShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives, and later pass them to ScriptableRenderContext.DrawShadows, 28 shadow casters are rendered in the shadow map.

  • Optionally Check the values passed with the culling planes

Attach managed debugger and place a breakpoint at the following location to verify that in the test version of URP package, the ShadowSplitData object passed to does contain culling planes information: