
An example API project that implements the following features:

  • TDD using RSPEC and Factory Bot
  • Caching using Redis
  • Docker Containerization
  • Seed the application with given example date

Case study

Company X is a large company from the educational sector with over 300k access per day. They need to improve their search engine, to permit the application to handle a large amount of requests with minimal delay to the users. Sample data was provided and is located in the /db/files_import folder.

Architectural Desing

  • Models:
    • Question
    • Question Access
    • Disciplines
  • Considerations:
    • Despites only question and questions access was explicitly defined on the given sample data. Define a Discipline model helps implement a RESTful API endpoint if need. Also, it keeps consistent the disciplines names.

  • Controllers:
    • Api::V1
    • Api::V1::Disciplines::HottestQuestionsController
    • Api::V1::Questions::MostlyAccessedController
  • Considerations:
    • Api::V1 controller helps futures version upgrades of Api while still maintaining the current version deployed
    • HottestQuestionsController and MostlyAccessedController was namespaced from Disciplines and Questions. This is necessary to keep these RESTful. Example: The Question controller will be responsible only for create read update and delete actions.

  • Quering:
    • Mostly Accessed Question complex query was moved to queries/hot_question_query.rb

  • Caching
    • Redis was used to cache the queries. This reduces the response time to ~30ms from ~250+ms
    • Cache expiration time was set to 1 minute

  • Testing
    • Rspec and FactoryBot was used to test the application

Getting Started


Application Features:

  • Hottest Questions Disciplines: Lists disciplines with whose questions was the most accessed in the last 24hrs

  • Mostly Accessed by period: Lists questions mostly accessed by week/month/year

Running the Application:

  1. Clone the project

    $ git clone
  2. navigate to docker folder

    $ cd search-api/docker
  3. build with the Docker Compose

    $ docker-compose build
  4. start the application

    $ docker-compose up -d 
  5. setup the database

    $ docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:create
    $ docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:migrate
    $ docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake db:seed


Disciplines with Hottest Questions

Method: GET


    "disciplines": [
        "direito constitucional",
        "direito constitucional",
        "legislação federal"

Hottest Questions

Method: GET
params: year (required): integer, description: The year, example 2077.
        month:           integer, description: Month number of the Year, example 12.
        week:            integer, description: Week number of the Year, example 42.

PS: month has precendence over week, so if month and week param is passed, only month will be considered 


curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/questions/mostly_accessed?year=2019'


  • Code: 200
    "questions": [
                "id": 588,
                "statement": "Ea fuga quos necessitatibus.",
                "text": "Possimus eos illo. Maiores tempore incidunt. Vitae voluptatibus odit.",
                "answer": "D",
                "discipline": "literatura"
                "id": 2509,
                "statement": "Eius dolor explicabo soluta.",
                "text": "Doloribus quia quibusdam. Aspernatur dignissimos voluptas. Libero et optio.",
                "answer": "D",
                "discipline": "direito civil"
                "id": 3057,
                "statement": "Architecto eum dolor beatae.",
                "text": "A sit consequatur. Doloremque quod reiciendis. Et sapiente eius.",
                "answer": "D",
                "discipline": "português"
                "id": 4087,
                "statement": "Deserunt commodi autem iusto.",
                "text": "Id aut doloribus. Facere vitae est. Non qui placeat.",
                "answer": "A",
                "discipline": "inglês"
                "id": 6981,
                "statement": "Quia est nesciunt quasi.",
                "text": "Accusamus sed consequatur. Saepe accusamus est. Qui repudiandae rerum.",
                "answer": "A",
                "discipline": "raciocínio lógico"
                "id": 7272,
                "statement": "Quas neque consectetur ab.",
                "text": "Repellendus est dignissimos. Voluptas ipsum voluptatibus. Expedita debitis ad.",
                "answer": "C",
                "discipline": "geografia"
                "id": 7465,
                "statement": "Enim eos repellat natus.",
                "text": "Maiores laboriosam quaerat. Est animi enim. Et quia vel.",
                "answer": "D",
                "discipline": "geografia"
                "id": 7824,
                "statement": "Necessitatibus et optio sit.",
                "text": "Itaque reprehenderit voluptas. Doloribus ut dolor. Est excepturi nobis.",
                "answer": "B",
                "discipline": "direito civil"
                "id": 7915,
                "statement": "Quos voluptas temporibus ab.",
                "text": "Nemo hic sed. Sed optio excepturi. Non consequatur eos.",
                "answer": "A",
                "discipline": "raciocínio lógico"
                "id": 9765,
                "statement": "Illum deserunt est soluta.",
                "text": "Dolores rerum est. Voluptatem earum necessitatibus. Sunt facilis perferendis.",
                "answer": "A",
                "discipline": "geografia"

Missing year param request example

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/questions/mostly_accessed?month=12'


  • Code 400
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request"


  • Wrap errors with invalid params
  • Add a basic token based authentication with JWT
  • Refactor hot_question_query to use QueryObjects Pattern