
A CLI calculator REPL written in Red, utilising the parse dialect (DSL) for expression parsing

Primary LanguageRed


A CLI calculator REPL written in Red, utilising the parse dialect (DSL) for expression parsing.

It should work, but has not been extensively tested.


To run the script, run make, supplying the path to the red interpreter executable (get here), e.g.:

make RED=<path_to_red>

Alternatively you can just run:

<path_to_red> src/main.red

This will start the redcalc REPL. To quit the REPL, enter "q" or use Ctrl+D/Ctrl+C on compatible terminals.


Calculations are expressions that are formed of numbers, operators and functions. Syntax should be fairly intuitive.

Note that redcalc is not capable of displaying fine-grained syntax errors - Currently, it only knows there was a syntax error, not why or where it originated.

>>> 12*-(2/3)
= -8.0
>>> -sin(21e3)/2
= -0.49985711969854346
>>> 15 * 3! / (2 - 8)
= -15.0
>>> 2 ^ -8
= 0.00390625
>>> 8 % 3 + 1
= 3.0
>>> sin(cos(tan(0)))
= 0.8414709848078965


Numbers are 64-bit floating point, and can be expressed in scientific notation.

>>> 2
= 2.0
>>> 7.0154e10
= 70154000000.0


Operators are either infix (x + y), postfix (x!) or prefix (-x).

Precedence follows usual rules - Postfix/prefix operators have the highest precedence, followed by the infix operators in order: ^, then */%, then +-. Brackets can override precedence, as well as grouping expressions.

Infix operators:

Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation
% Modulus

Postfix operators:

Operator Description
! Factorial

Prefix operators:

Operator Description
- Negation


Functions currently can only have 1 argument, that is enclosed in brackets, e.g. sin(0).

Trigonometric functions assume radians are used.

Supported functions:

Function Description
sin Sine
cos Cosine
tan Tangent
abs Absolute value

Additional functions can easily be added in src/eval.red/eval-func.