
"Pure Actuality". This project is a mod for Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord that aims to create the perfected version of the game, in the eyes of the author.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Bannerlord Supported Version: 1.5.7


Actus Purus aims to be a Vanila+ Total Conversion mod. It tries to deepen almost every aspect present in the vanila experience, with a focus on role-play, gameplay and player-agency.

Although you technically can use Actus Purus with other mods, I highly discourage you. This mod aims to touch almost every system of the base game, which will almost cause incompatibility with other mods. But perhaps most importantly, this mod is designed to ofer a self-contained experience where many different gameplay systems inflence and affect others.

Beyond anything, though, I hope you enjoy my mod.


Character Presets

During Character Creation, you can now cycle through a number of male and female BodyProperties that you define in this mod's Settings.xml file.
Any presets found on the Nexus or copied from Bannerlord character creation screen will work.
The mod comes with a number of existing presets.

Disclaimer: Existing presets were pulled from my favourite Nexus creations and are not made by me. If you are one of the authors and wish me to remove your preset or would like me to credit it to you, please PM me.

Blank Character Creation

When enabled, this will "reset" your character once the Rebuild Your Clan quest starts.
This means all your Attributes and Skills will be set to 0 and all your Focus Points, Perks and Traits removed.
You are then awarded 24 Attribute Points and 10 Focus Points to spend as you wish.

Minor Faction Troop Recruitment

All minor factions now allow the player to recruit some of its junior troops through new Dialogs.
Once your Clan is Tier 3 (or Tier 2 if you are of the same Culture as the minor faction) and once you reach 20 relation with heroes of the minor faction, you are able to recruit 20 of the lowest tier troop of that faction for 1000 denars.
That faction will not allow you to recruit more until you have no more of those troops, meaning those recruits either upgraded or died.
For players with high Roguery skill, the relation requirement is reduced to as little as 5 for outlaw minor factions.
This is completely generic, meaning this should work with any custom minor faction such as those added by the Calradia at War mod.


Governor Perks

So many perks in Bannerlord have Governor facets, which are 100% useless to the player. Now, all Settlements owned by the player without a governor assigned, will use the player's character perks as if the player was the assigned governor.
Many of the perks will still require that the player spend time in their settlement for them to take effect.

Combat AI Progression

Vanilla Bannerlord unlocks the full potential of Combat AI prowess in a linear format based on the combat skill of the unit in question, from 0 prowess at Skill level 0 of a combat skill to full prowess at Skill level 350.
This means that a unit with One Handed Skill at level 250 (a very high level) only has 5/7 of its AI Combat prowess unlocked.
This option changes this linear progression to a logarithmic progression, meaning 80% of a unit's AI Combat prowess is unlocked at a combat Skill level of around 180, with the full 100% still unlocked at level 350.
This will make combat more difficult, specially against AI Hero units.
Vanilla difficulty combat settings are still respected and influence this progression accordingly.

Combat Damage Multipliers

Vanilla Bannerlord allows the player to control the difficulty by allowing the player to choose how much damage the Player, its parties and friendly units can receive. This setting allows the player to control how much damage is dealt to all units, both friendly and enemy.
This setting allows the player to gain some control over the pace of battle. Lengthening the engagements by lowering the overall damage that units do to each other, or speeding it up by increasing this damage.
The vanilla difficulty settings are not overridden by this option, meaning that an easy difficulty coupled with a low Combat Damage Multiplier will make the game even easier.


  • Heroes now restore stamina while moving in the world map, at a configurable rate.
  • Configurable Stamina cost multipliers for Smelting, Smithing and Refining.
  • Configurable Part Research XP multiplier.

Equipment Battle Reward

  • Allows a weighted chance (based on item value) of any equipment drop from a troop you have battled.
    • Each troop is evaluated based on its equipment set.
    • An item is chosen from that set based on a weighted (based on value) random chance.
    • Then the item is evaluated against a drop chance that is dependent on the ItemValueThreshold configuration.

Passive XP Gain

Each day, several skills are awarded a set amount of XP for the player.

  • XP can be awarded to all skills or only to those with Focus Points
  • XP can be awarded to player character only or for all adult members of the player's Clan (including companions).
  • Configurable Skill Level cap that determines whether a Skill can be awarded XP.
  • Each individual Skill can be configurable to receive any amount of daily XP.

Known Issues

Character Presets

  1. Sometimes the preset button stays on screen after closing the character creation screen
    • This usually happens when opening the character editor after the campaign has started.
  2. Changing between genders can sometimes crash to desktop
    • This seems related to how some BodyProperties don't translate well between gender. This is a vanilla issue and it is not part of this mod.
  3. Character Preset button layer is impacting the player's ability to rotate the character model during Character Creation
    • The Layer that contains the preset button has InputRestrictions on it, which is what makes the button clickable, but has the side effect of interfering with the click-and-drag to rate the character.


  1. Smithing rework
    • Player can smith weapons and armor through character dialog when at Town, and Castles of the clan they belong to if the Clan leader has favourable relations
    • If the Player owns the Town, it will have reduced prices when doing smithing, or if it has high relations with the Workshop or Castle owner
    • If the player owns the Smithy, it can do so for free just like how Smithing is now
    • A Player or a character from its Clan can use a Smithy they do not own, effectively renting it, for a price. This works very much like crafting is now and generates crafting XP
    • New Clan role for characters with Smithing skill. This will be the skill that governs how much loot equipment the player can get from battles. Looted equipment always comes with a severe cost debuff and are almost worthless to sell
  2. Athelitics and Riding impact
    • evaluate minimum and maximum speeds
    • skill aproaches maximum speed early
    • skill aproaches armour weight mitigation late
  3. Roguery rework
    • Roguery only impacts non-equipment loot and always generates some denars from battles won. (New bags of denar loot?)
    • New Clan role for characters with Roguery skill
  4. XP Rework
    • Investigate how AI gains and spends XP
    • Player clan gains daily XP on a single skill they have Focus on and do not have a learning rate of 0
    • The skill is chosen through a weighted random formula that favours skills with the highest learning rate
  5. Troop tree rework
    • Auto generate alternative gear set up for each unit so that it has at least 3 variants
    • All Tier one Faction troop should have either a shield or a two-handed weapon
  6. Evaluate all melee skills impact on weapon speed and maximum damage
    • Archery should deal less damage?
    • Thrusting polearms should deal more damage!
  7. Economic rework
    • Loot should be a poor source of income
    • Clans should maintain at least one caravan led by one of its members. More if in need of money
    • Clans should own workshops, at least one.
    • Clans with settlements should be in a better financial situation than Clans with not
  8. War rework - Ars Imperatoria
    • War should only be declared for a specific goal. Once achieved, kingdom should protect its goal until the other party is ready to capitulate
    • War goal influences the target number of armies the AI will create, and how large each army will be.
      • If the desired number of armies fall bellow its target, the AI will try to create a new army
      • When armies are created, the invited parties will first try to maximize its party size and food provisions from its owned Settlements
      • Unlanded noble parties will try to first use any excess garrison troop from the ruler Settlements, than use any available Manpower the ruler may have
        • If that is still not enough, it will try to do the same thing from landed Clan nobles they have a strong positive relations with
    • War goal influences how many units will be needed in the armies. If kingdom does not have enough units it will try to hire Minor Factions or use its stored Manpower to conscript (generate) Tier 1 units
      • Each Clan leader decides his commitment to the war. From not showing up at all, causing massive relation drops, to commiting only a portion of its Garrison strength and Manpower, to bring his full force to bear
      • Conquered Settlements ownership voting is heavily influenced by how many war resources were committed by the participating Clans and relations with the ruler Clan
    • Wars can only end when one side has achieved its goal and the other side no longer thinks it can retake that goal
    • The empire factions start at war with each other
    • Each faction will have a score for each other Town and Castle in Calradia. Every time an Empire instigates war, it will be to conquer the Town or Settlement with the highest score.
    • When an empire is declared war upon, its goal are as follow, in order of priority: retake the attacking party war goal, protect the attacking party war goal, break sieging of the attacking party war goal, destroy enemy parties
    • If a war goal is secured, and the Settlement has good defenses (garrison at target and no walls breached), a new war goal will be added
    • Once a Clan's guarrisons have been depleted and its Manpower spent, it can no longer field parties
    • During war time, Clan parties are filled to capacity using their Garrison troops, or Manpower if needed
    • When not in an army, a Clan party is always in defense mode.
    • Double check how sieges affect a Settlement attributes and buildings
    • Double check how sieges are handling starvation. Militia should go down first, than Garrison. Parties present at Settlement shoudl share their food
  9. Non-aggression pacts
    • Faction rulers can broke marriages between two clans from each faction. While said marriage exists, both kingdoms will be much less likely to go to war with each other
  10. Alligiences
    • Factions can ask other factions to declare war with them for an ENOURMOUS amount of money
    • This is much cheaper, but still crazy expensive, if the two clans have a Non-aggression pact
  11. Battle rework
    • Unit AI tweak so that it is competent at the 150+ skill level
    • More options during defeat:
      • Player can charm for immediate release, including with troops
      • Released nobles can keep their wounded party for promise of not fighting in current war anymore
      • Prisoner escape rework. When noble prisoner is present, someone must be assigned as the prisoner guard.
  12. Field battle Auto-resolve rework
    • Auto resolve will group units into the four basic groups: Melee, Foot Archer, Cavalry, Ranged Cavalry
    • Unit Groups are better at damaging certain types of Unit Groups, acting as one tier above its normal tier
    • Unit Group bonus are affected by the difference of the Tactic bonus of all noble participants in the battle
      • Each side starts with a base Tactics bonus equals to the party leader's Tactics skill. If multiple parties are involved in each side, tie breaker goes to highest Clan tier, then highest Leadership skill
      • Each side then adds the Tactics skills of all other nobles in their side. This number is multiplied by a value between 0 and 1 based on the party leader's Leadership skill and added to the overall Tactics bonus for their side
    • Unique
    • Combat happens in turns, where each turn one side has an attacking unit and a defending unit. The attacking unit chooses the defending unit for the other side
      • Ranged units always go first, potentially wreaking havoc on Melee and Cavalry units
    • Once a Foot Archer unit participates in 3 unit clashes, it becomes a Melee unit with an effective tier one below its normal tier
    • Once a Ranged Cavalry unit participates in 3 unit clashes, it becomes a Cavalry unit with an effective tier one below its normal tier
    • Starting morale dictates the threshold at which point one side routs, no longer attacking with any of its units
  13. Siege battle Auto-resolve rework
    • Siege battles work like field battles, with a few distinctions
    • The sum of each wall's tier act like a Tactics boost for the defenders
    • The sum of each siege equipment acts like a Tactics boost for the their corresponding side
    • Cavalry units are considered as Melee units with an effective tier one below its normal tier from the very start of the battle
    • Ranged Cavalry units are considered as Foot Archer units with an effective tier one below its normal tier from the very start of the battle
    • Ranged units equipped with a Crossbow have a an increased bonus as a defender
    • Ranged units equiped with a Bow have an increased bonus as an attacker
  14. Kingdom rework
    • Policies will be set for each kingdom at game start. Policy voting will be frozen unless for the player kingdom
    • Add policies tied to each kingdom that dictates how wars and peace can be declared
    • Add policies tied to each kingdom that dictates how it handles succession
    • Landed Clans of lower tier owe tithe to Clans of the immediate upper tier. Factions will be populated at game start to make sure pyramid of Clan tier hierarchy exists to support this
    • When not at war, landed Clan parties stay at their owned Settlements (based on Governorship assignments). Their parties consist of a small retinue of units taken from their Clan's Settlements, influenced by Clan tiers
      • Clan members are spread among the owned Settlements (Towns, Castles and Villages), with senior members being assigned to higher prosperity/hearth Settlements
    • When not at war, landed Clan parties do not move around, as their primary job while at peace is to oversee their Settlements
      • The exception is to go to Major Tournaments and Feasts
  15. Cities rework
    • Provide great income through taxation
    • Can have criminal problems
    • Has a reduced regen rate for militia and garrison, compared to Castles
    • Has a lower garrison target number based on buildings, compared to Castles. Garrison up to the target number do not incour wages
    • Garrison is always of the ruling Clan troop line. Militia is always of the Culture troop line
    • Can't convert Tier 3+ garrison units into noble line
  16. Castle rework
    • Don't provide as great income as Towns
    • Don't have to worry about criminals
    • Has an incrased regen rate for militia and garrison, compared to Cities
    • Has a higher garrison target number based on buildings, compared to Cities. Garrison up to the target number do not incour wages
    • Can convert Tier 3+ garrison units into noble line
    • Players should be able to smith weapons and armor at Castles. Castle smithies are not for-profit and do not operate like a Workshop
  17. Villages rework
    • Villages no longer provide recruitable units
    • Villags instead provide Manpower points to its bound Settlement, which is converted into garrison by that Settlement or conscripts during war
      • Player Settlements do not auto generate Garrison, instead allowing the player to spend their Manpower points as they see fit
      • During war, players can only spend Manpower to recruit tier 1 units
      • Villager parties will physically travel to their bound Settlement, meaning if they get killed the Manpower gets wasted
    • Villages Manpower depends also depends on Notables relation to the owner Clan
  18. Governorship
    • When Governors are at a Settlement, it can resolve the issues of that settlement. Bound Villages have a smaller/delayed chance of having its issues resolved, unless a Governor is placed directly at that Village
    • If the player owns a Settlement with no Governor, the player should act as its Governor while staying at the fief
    • AI should also be able to use Governors for any Settlement it owns
    • When player places a Clan member at a Village it does not own, it will instead act as an envoy to the owner Clan, increase relations between notables of that Village and the owner Clan. And in turn the player gains relations with the owner Clan
  19. Desertion
    • Settlements can rebel if they are not of the same Culture as the owner Clan and loyalty, prosperity and security get too low. This will most likely happen when the owner Clan is at war and has depleated the garrison
    • Noble desertion should be very rare and immediatly trigger a war to retake the Settlements of said Noble, unless said noble's Settlements have a score lower than other Settlements that are not already part of the kingdom
  20. Player Kingdom
    • Because noble desertion is very low, the player should endeavour to prepare quite a bit before starting a kingdom
    • The player should try to get their companions married to factions that will neighbour their new kingdom, so that they have some reprieve through Non-aggression pacts
    • Only companions of a minimal level can be promoted to Clan leaders under your kingdom
    • Player clan must be Clan tier 6, since all ruler Clans must be Clan tier 6
  21. Renown rework
    • The amount of required Renonw to increase Clan level should be much higher
    • Quests should exist that reward a big lump sum of Renown to balance the higher Renow thresholds. These quests will act as effective social-political recognition of the a clan's new status
    • The amount of required Renow should make much less likely that AI Clans naturally increase in Clan tier
    • Special acts by the AI will trigger AI clans to raise or fall in level.
      • All ruler Clans must be Clan tier 6. If a clan, including the player's, get's promoted to clan Ruler, it will be given enough Renown to reach tier 6
      • If a Clan loses its status as the ruling Clan, it immediatly drops to Clan tier 5
      • If a Clan looses enough members that it would no longer be able to field its maximum number of parties, it drops a Clan tier
  22. Marriage rework
    • Marriages that involve the player in some fashion will have Culture-dedicated quests, for role-playing purposes
    • Marrying someone from a Minor Faction to one of your Clan members, including the ruler, makes it cheaper to hire them as mercenaries
    • AI Clans will always marry within their kingdom, to maximize the number of potential nobles in a kingdom
    • Only Faction rulers can broke marriage between factions
    • Empire AI factions will not marry each other, as each desire above all else to reform the Claradic Empire by conquering the others
  23. Minor Factions rework
    • Kingdoms will often give preference to hiring mercenaries from their own Culture
    • Bandit Minor Factions should be much more interwoven with the criminal gameplay
    • Kingdoms are always at war with their Cultural bandit Minor Faction
    • Rulers will pay good money for the execution of Minor Faction characters. This works for the AI too, but it depends on how much money the ruler has
    • Players with very good relations with a Minor Faction add their unit troop to the player Garissons' list of possible units they can spend Manpower on
    • Mercenary Minor Factions will be headquartered at their Culture's capital.
      • Headquarters give the Town they belong to access to their troop tree, regardless of relations, at a discount. Unless the owner is of a different clan, in which case they no longer offer these services
      • Clans can convince (pay) Minor Factions to relocate their headquarter if the Minor Faction has negative relation with their Town's owner or if owner is of a different Clan, this will incour in negative relation gain with owner
    • Validate that Minor Faction relation is decreased if dues are not payed
    • New Minor Faction Issues, aimed at increasing relations (work for them? player needs to join them to become a mercenary at Clan tier 1? Part of their mercenary wage goes to Minor Faction, increasing relations based on total money given?)
  24. Tournaments rework
    • Arena fights are a good way the player can train their combat skills during peace time
    • Regular Tournaments will happen less often, and never when the kingdom is at war
      • Nobles that are eligible to lead war parties and that are present at the Town hosting the Tournament will join
      • Nobles that are Governing a bound Village of the hosting Town will travel to the Town for the duration of the Tournament in order to participate
      • Tournament rewards are less expensive than Grand Tournaments
      • Tournaments that the player do not attend are resolved automatically
    • Grand Tournaments are hosted every so often during times of peace, and require the hosting Clan to have a good financial situation. No two Grand Tournaments can happen at the same time
      • Winning a Tournament grants a boost to relation between the hosting Clan and the winner Clan if relations between both were already neutral or positive.
        • If relations between the two were already negative, this relation worsens as the host Clan gets angry that their expensive event was used to boost a rival's Renown
      • All Clans will be invited
      • Clans with negative relations with the hosting Clan will decline the invitation, worsening relations further
      • Clans with neutral or positive relations with the hosting Clan will agree to attend
        • Clan nobles Governing Settlements with bad stats will not go, as they are needed at home
        • If a Clan does not have any noble that can go to the Tournament, it will decline the invitation
        • The Player will be given the opportunity to accept or decline the invitation. Accepting the invitation but failing to come will eventually auto decline the Player Clan, for an even larger relation penalty
      • The Tournament will only start when all parties that accepted arrive
      • During the Tournament, when Nobles, including the player, cause another to fall, there is a chance for relation gain or loss, based on the traits of the charaters involved and the existing relation between the Clans
        • This is intended to be a way to naturally make the political landscape of the kingdom change a bit, every so often. Same with Feasts.
      • Grand Tournaments that the player do not attend are resolved automatically
      • Kingdoms will not try to go to war if they have a Grand Tournament ongoing
      • Grand Tournaments are automatically cancelled if a war is declared
  25. Feasts
    • When there is a death of a noble, a marriage or the conclusion of a victorious war, there is a chance that a Feast will be called if the kingdom is at peace
    • The Feast hosted by a higher Clan tier takes precedence, potentially causing the AI to cancel its scheduled feast so that the one for the higher Clan tier can happen
    • Feasts can be hosted by multiple Clans of the same-tier, causing a bit of a political ruckus, as nobles have to decide which one they will attend and which Clan will they slight
    • Much of the same logic for deciding each noble's attendace follows just like a Grand Tournament
    • Kingdoms will not try to go to war if they have a Feast ongoing
    • Feasts are automatically cancelled if a war is declared
    • All attending Clans gain small relations with each other. This gain is boosted if relations were already strong
  26. Disease & Famine
    • Bad crop years, generating a debuff either local or Calradia-wide
    • Disease outbreaks that hurt a Settlement stats and can kill characters. Potential shake up of kingdom politics
  27. Invasions
    • Big pillaging invasions, aimed at breaking long periods of stability.
    • They only take over Settlements so they can devastate it
    • Highly focused on raiding and executions
  28. Bandit camp rework
    • AI Camps store items and money from their parties' battles, making them lucrative to clear. If they are owned by the player, this can result in a semi-regular passive income
    • Camps can launch ambushes of caravans in a radius from the camp itself, and even grow so powerful that they can raid unprotected Villages. Bandit parties will continue to be opportunistic, preying mostly on villagers trying to sell their goods
    • Threshold for outright spotting camps should require very high Scouting skill. Instead the player must try and find the tracks that lead to the camp itself
    • Each Bandit Minor Factions will have a camp as their headquarters. This camp is very hard to find using Scouting alone. It can be revealed by having high relations with the Clan or with one of their criminal agents (town criminals)
    • Players can own bandit camps and benefit from the same mecahnics. They can participate in ambushes and village raids
    • Validate that the AI does indeed try to clear these out as part of Issues
    • Owned camps can be a source of bandit troop recruitment for the player, with prices varying based on nearby Settlement security
    • Different camps will have different perks, some tied to the camp scene, some randomly assigned
    • New Minor Faction Issues, aimed at increasing relations (work for them? player join them to gain easier foothold in criminal underworld? They take a cut the and Player gains relations based on total money given?)
    • Player can leverage Bandit Minor Factions and owned camps to destabilize other Major Factions, essetially bankrolling bandit acttivity
    • The player owning a camp counts against their Workshop max
    • Taking over a camp will still require the Player to invest a large amount of money to get it up and running
    • AI and Player can work with Bandit Minor Factions against their faction leader
    • Interplay with Town criminal activity, like owning Alleys?
    • Player can work with town criminals to create new camps
    • Taking over camps means loosing relations with nearby criminal notables
    • Renow makes bandit activity much harder to go unnoticed. Factions will expell the Player if they amass too much criminal rating and potentially DOW until the Player character dies
  29. Missions
    • War mission ideas:
      • Sabotage enemy siege
      • Resupply sieged Settlement
      • Poison sieged Settlement
      • Kidnap non-combatant nobles for ransom or war negitiations
    • Bandit mission ideas:
      • Raid workshop
      • Stablish organized crime in Town
      • Subjugate Bandit Minor Faction (hold all 4 leaders)
      • Give up family member for peace with major faction?
  30. Companions
    • Create custom companions with quests and much more lore
    • Any companion can be added to Player clan after a minimal character level, relation and time spent in service
    • Add more sources of relation gain/loss with companions