This is the main repo for the project solution being implemented by team COMP2003-2020-P

Primary LanguagePHP

COMP2003 - Hostel Booking System - 2020/2021

Group Members - COMP2003-2020-P

  • Adam Stewart - Product Owner
  • Subodh Syantan Tamang - Product Owner
  • Abdal Abdul Karim - Scrum Master
  • Jay Browne - Scrum Master
  • Will Stewart - Technical Lead
  • Caleb Long - Technical Lead

Project Title

Llechfan Hostel Booking System (LHBS)


Source code: https://github.com/Will-Stewart/COMP2003-2020-GROUP-P-LHBS

Product Vision

The project we as a group have chosen is the Llechfan Hostel Booking System (LHBS) ran by the Talyllyn Railways as a means for volunteers and customers to have accommodation during their stay. The problem with the system currently in place is the lack of a database-backed solution to safely and optimally store and manage any bookings and rooms as well as other overheads that may come with running a booking system for the hostel; with our product implementation we strive to design a new open-source system that can handle any of these requests.

This is different from other software such as that already implemented in the system – spreadsheets are currently being used but are hard to understand and process quickly which can lead to misunderstandings and mis-bookings, which our software hopes to remedy by introducing a streamlined management and booking system .The Llechfan Booking system is a solution based on the premise of allowing easy user access of the booking system in order to optimise the letting of rooms through an app interface as well as handle administrative tasks through means of an administrative portal; this portal will be able to deal with applying volunteer discounts as supplied by Talyllyn Railways and other miscellaneous managerial tasks as well as providing a back-end database that will be able to safely store and protect the data of the hostel and its occupants in lines with the relevant Data Protection acts.

Hostel Booking Website Brief - Volunteer Side

The Volunteer will need to Log in/Sign up, they should be allowed to create bookings on the days they wish to attend and decide what room they would prefer, choose how many people are with them and even view a booking calendar to see what days are available, and decide how many days they wish to work during their stay!

A discount should also be applied for working days

Once a booking has been made, they can visit a booking manager and have the ability to change the booking details (If the booking hasn't been confirmed!). They should also be allowed to view Unconfirmed and Confirmed Bookings!

Hostel Booking Website Brief - Warden Side

The Warden should be allowed to Log in and be able to view the unconfirmed bookings of the Volunteers and allocate them to different rooms if necessary. A notification should be displayed to them when they log in to inform them that they have unconfirmed bookings. The Warden needs to edit both room and pricing data e.g. how many beds, default price and discount price.

Feature List


  • Log In and Sign Up - Implemented

    • Profile Page - Implemented
    • Notification System - Implemented
    • Logout - Implemented
  • Create Hostel Booking - Implemented

    • Booking Calendar - Implemented (Not displaying correct number of bookings on day)
    • Underage Booking - Implemented
    • Pricing System - Implemented
  • Booking Manager - Implemented

    • View Unconfirmed & Confirmed Bookings - Implemented


  • Log In - Implemented

    • Profile Pge - Implemented
    • Notification System - Implemented
    • Logout - Implemented
  • Admin Portal - Implemented

    • Admin User Manager e.g. Admin Sign Up - Implemented
    • Admin Booking Manager e.g. Confirm Volunteer Bookings - Implemented
    • Hostel Data Manager e.g. Edit Pricing and Room Data - Implemented


  • Password Hashing and Verifier - Implemented
  • Prevent access to certain pages if not logged in - Implemented
  • Reduce the risk of SQL Injection - Implemented

Website Images



Hostel, Booking, Booking System, Llechfan Hostel, Talyllyn Railway, Web-based, Volunteer Hostel, LHBS, Volunteer Reduced Rates, Database, Data-backed.