
A blog for posting about computer vision, ML, and C++

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is a customised version of the Type Theme repo and hosted in github pages.


# install the dependencies 
bundle install
# start serving the page locally
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --livereload

Post Ideas

hard-core engineering

  • CUDA events & streams

  • CUDA performance tips

  • synchronised

  • standard library algorithms vs trying to DIY

  • pimpl

  • sagemaker pipelines

  • cdk / serverless / stepfunctions

  • tensorrt / deploying at edge & real-time

  • int8, fp16 inference, comparing model speed

  • things on posix

  • writing quick python code

  • using pagerduty with SQS


  • radial distortion models
  • 3D reconstruction methods
  • multi-view stereo
  • active learning
  • metric learning
  • template matching / image registration
  • under-rated publications of 2022
  • Do you still YOLO?
  • Model speed comparison
  • research best practices

people stuff

  • Recommended reading
  • Career paths
  • Researcher vs Engineer
  • building roadmaps
  • project delivery