With this first assignment, we will introduce and install many different software tools. This can be somewhat overwhelming, but with a bit of work, reading, and using the tools you will quickly be able to use the tools. With a bit more practice, you will become comfortable using the tools. The goal in this first assignment is to get you using these tools quickly, and make sure you have the resources to continue developing your skills with the tools throughout the semester. Specifically, the goals for this assignment are for you to be able to:
- Use the fundamentals of the python language to write simple programs and functions.
- Use the Jupyter notebook system for scientific data analysis and plotting.
- Use Git basic commands to create a local Git repository, add files to that repository, and commit changes.
- Work with GitHub to fork a repository, clone it to your local computer, commit changes, and push changes back to the online repository and use pull requests to submit and discuss work.
For this assignment:
- Read about the software packages in the Software Introduction document.
- Install the software tools on your personal computer as instructed in Software Installation.
- With your software, work through the Resources listed in the Software Introduction document.
- Go through the Git Tutorial.
- Check out the other resources listed in the Git Introduction document.
- Create your own repository for this assignment and clone it to your PC following the Instructions for Cloning Assignment
- Using The Python Tutorial and Simple Programs, create a single python file, named 'First.py', which:
- Prints 'Hello World'. Note: In python 3.0 and above, print is a function, not a statement. So, 'print "Hello World"' will give an error. Use 'print("Hello World")' instead.
- Uses a loop strucuture to print the numbers 1 - 10.
- Uses another loop structure as well as a list to print the number names, "one, two, three ..." from zero to ten.
- Create a Jupyter notebook, titled 'FirstNotebook' and in that notebook complete the tutorial titled Using Jupyter Notebook with PyCharm from JetBrains’ website. In doing so, you will:
- Create a Jupyter notebook file (Please create this in this project, and be sure to add it to the git repository.)
- The tutorial does not include it, but demonstrate that it can calculate that 2 + 2 is 4.
- Import a python module.
- Create a graph.
- View the notebook in a web browser.
- The tutorial does not have you do this, but edit the notebook in the browser.
- Also have the notebook perform calculations (press shift – enter while on a cell).
- Add some headings – View these in the web browser as well.
- Write an equation in LaTex and display it.
- The tutorial does not have you do this, but:
- Close PyCharm
- At the command line type jupyter notebook (Assuming Acaconda was added to your path variable)
- Open your browser to view the jupyter interface. The address is probably
- Add a heading 'Final Calculation' to the end of the document and in the following cell, calculate 10*10-100