This is a project completed by Will Curran, a student at Texas A&M University, for CSCE 313. It is not intended to be a resource for other students of this class. Objective: Create a buddy-system memory allocator and test it with the provided Ackerman function. Given info to students: -- Ackerman.h and .cpp : These files contain the Ackerman class that is to exercise your allocator. Call the function Ackerman::test() from your Main.cpp. -- BuddyAllocator.h and .cpp : Contain the Allocator class, where the .cpp has placeholder implementations of the functions defined in the header. This code is operational as-is, but you need to replace the implementation (inside the .cpp) with yours! -- Main.cpp: This file calls the Ackerman::test() function to exercise your allocator. You will need to add initialization and clean-up of the allocator on exit. Used code found on <> for parsing command line arguments. -- makefile : This file tells 'make' how to compile everything together.