
Bot for the Shadowverse Discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shadowverse Bot

This is a fork of the Shadowverse Discord's bot.


  • The prefix is now v! instead of !
  • Removed the spam check feature. It was the cause of some crashes and was unneeded for my purposes.
  • Allow capital prefixes (since mobile auto-capitalizes the first letter). E.g., both v! and V! are acceptable prefixes

Adding this bot

You can add this bot to your server by using this link. The bot requires no special permissions.

Using this bot

All the commands start with v!. A full list of commands is as follows:

  • v!name to search for a card by name
  • v! to search for a card by description
  • v!flair to search for a card by description, then return its flair text
  • v!img and v!imgevo to search for a card by description, then return its base or evolved card image
  • v!reddit, v!discord, v!twitch, v!tourneys, v!steam to return links to other Shadowverse resources.
  • v!clean to clean the bot's messages.
  • v!help to have the bot send you a list of commands.