
Go package to parse dice strings like "1d100 + 5"

Primary LanguageGo

GO dice string parser


This repository takes a dice string into the Parse function and returns a RollParse object.

Dice string

Dice string consists of dice rolls, plus and minus signs. e.g.: 1d100+120-12d10kl1. All results are stored and returned separately inside the RollParse object. A roll expression is 1[d1[(kh|kl)1]l1] Dice string currently supports the following:

  • d: number of dice sides. Required for all the other flags.
  • kh: Keep HIGH. Keeps the set number of dice from all the rolls, prioritizing the high values
  • kl: Keep LOW. Same as keep high, but priritizes lower values
  • b: Bonus. Flat addition to total
  • m: Malus. Flat subtraction from total
  • e: Explode. If any of the thrown dice are greater or equal than the nubmer provided, they will be rerolled and added
  • f: Botch (failure). If the dice thrown are less or equal than the number provided, the roll will repeat and return as a negative value
  • l: Limit. Whatever the roll result is, it cannot go higher than the provided value

Edge case: If you put just a number (as in 1d100+120 it is read like 120d1 and no dice rolls will be made)



Pushed tag v0.0.6 with getters Pushed tag v0.0.7 with BONUS, MALUS, EXPLODE and BOTCH hotfix v0.0.8