Bakery Tracker

By Will Jolley

A web app for documenting bakery orders

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • MSTest


Bakery Tracker is a web app for a bakery to keep track of the vendors they supply and individual orders associated with each vendor. Users can add vendors to a running list, then add orders for each vendor with specific information about each order.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository to your desktop.
  2. Open your terminal (e.g., Terminal or GitBash) and navigate to this project's production directory called "BakeryTracker".
  3. In the command line, run the command "dotnet watch run" to compile and execute the application.
  4. To run tests, navigate to the tests directory called "BakeryTracker.Tests" and run the command "dotnet test."


e-mail me at with any issues, questions, ideas, concerns.


Copyright (c) 2023 Will Jolley