Kafka-Rails Study Project

This project is focused on studying the integration and usage of Apache Kafka within a Rails application

The references used for the study and construction of this project were:

The gem used to work on the integration with Kafka was Racecar.

Running the Project

This project is containerized. To run it, simply execute docker-compose up. Three containers will be started:

  • kafka
  • kproject
  • zookeeper

How to use


  • To create a new topic, just access the Kafka container and run the following command:
kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic general_topic
  • To consume the topic directly from the Rails application, you need to start the consumer for the general_topic topic:
# Inside the kproject console

bundle exec racecar {{ consumer class }}