
Responsive WordPress theme

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Fleurs - A Responsive WordPress Theme

Fleurs is a WordPress theme based on _s ('underscores' - http://underscores.me/)

  • A just right amount of lean, well-commented, modern, HTML5 templates.
  • A helpful 404 template.
  • A sample custom header implementation in inc/custom-header.php that can be activated by uncommenting one line in functions.php and adding the code snippet found in the comments of inc/custom-header.php to your header.php template.
  • Custom template tags in inc/template-tags.php that keep your templates clean and neat and prevent code duplication.
  • Some small tweaks in inc/extras.php that can improve your theming experience.
  • A script at js/navigation.js that makes your menu a toggled dropdown on small screens (like your phone), ready for CSS artistry. It's enqueued in functions.php.
  • 2 sample CSS layouts in layouts for a sidebar on either side of your content.
  • Smartly organized starter CSS in style.css that will help you to quickly get your design off the ground.
  • Licensed under GPLv2 or later. :) Use it to make something cool.

More Info

Bootstrap enabled Font Awesome enabled Slider Responsive