Python Pygame code implementation of the classic game, Brick Breaker and worksheets to guide coax you through the process of making your own. Intended for students and teachers.
Teachers delivering this to their students should do so over an extended period of time as there are many different concepts that crop up during the course of implementing this game. They can spend time covering concepts that ranging from raw programming skills as well as computer hardware and operating systems. They can also cover broader concepts such as collaboration in coding projects and getting others to test your code, trying to find bugs and hence help implement fixes. An example of things that can be covered are:
- Object Oriented Programming
- Writing functions and reusable code
- Debugging
- Computer graphics
- Coordinate systems
- Computer monitor refresh rates vs. Computer game frame rates; human vision, perception etc.
- Motion in 1D
- Motion in 2D
- The importance of collaboration and play testing each other's code
The best way to use this code in an educational environment is to set up Raspberry Pis for the student; and on each Pi, open a terminal and type in:
git clone
This will download all of the files for you to use at your discretion. If for any reason Git isn't installed; you can get it with:
sudo apt-get install git
This project was designed to take place over 8 1-2 hour sessions with a defined learning outcome for each session and a preferred milestone to reach in each session. It was also assumed that the students attending would have some relatively strong Python skills, i.e. they are competent in the basics, use of variables, fuctions, lists etc. The pacing at which this content is delivered will vary based on class engagement and competency levels. Should any students or teachers require additional support; please send all questions to and I will endeavour to answer them.