
A behaviour tree package for Google Dart

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION


The Behaviour Tree framework is a foundation for the classic design pattern structure, often associated with the field of AI (artificial intelligence) and used predominantly within the games industry. These frameworks are a solution to systems that have complex logical infrastructures and have the similar node based structure that neural networks have, but return discrete boolean responses, rather than probability (floats - fuzzy logic).

This behaviour tree library contains the foundations for building behaviour tree systems.


The library components and inheritance hierarchy:

  • Node
    • Action
    • Condition
    • Decorator
      • Inverter
    • Composite
      • Selector
      • Sequence



Behaviour tree frameworks often define a 'Blackboard' object to act as the 'container' for (or to represent) the problem domain/s that the behaviour tree system is to address. The responsibility of the behaviour tree system is then to interact with and incur a state of change upon the problem domain, passing the blackboard around its internal structure, accessing and changing the information within the blackboard as it transverses each node.

Whilst it is common place to have a blackboard object defined in a behaviour tree, this framework does not define a specific class for this. The reason being is so the blackboard is more than just a container. Separating the blackboard from the dependency of the tree means the tree (out of the box) does not need to depend on using a specific blackboard object, and thus the tree has been designed to have any class passed to it to be worked on as the blackboard object.


The behaviour tree's internal structure comprises of nodes that are responsible for interacting with the blackboard individually, without any explicit dependency on adjacent nodes. It is up the the node to carry out some process on the blackboard object and return a Boolean (true or false) value pending the outcome of that process. One reason for using a behaviour tree is modularity, thus the absence of explicit dependency is important, but all nodes must be able to 'know' this blackboard object.

Each of the nodes will specialise in the performance of a particular task, which when in a particular sequence, help reach the overall solution. The response of these nodes feed back to a composite node (explained below) that determines the flow of the system, affecting what future nodes will be processed.

These nodes/components/modules of the tree (terms that can be used interchangeably in the context) are also known as the KSs (knowledge sources). The blackboard, or problem domain, is worked on collectively by each node the tree comprises of, to break down the problem into 'sub-problems' that are each resolved by specific nodes, which reach a solution for the overall system.


Actions by the conventions of their name are the nodes that carry out change upon the problem domain. Actions will nearly always return true unless something prevented the action from taking place. Before an action is carried out however, the blackboard can be queried to determine if it has the correct conditions to incur that change. This is what conditions are used for.

In this framework, the action class is included with no added functionality over the node class. It's purely to distinguish its purpose rather than directly incur functional difference at this current time.


Conditions by convention of their name do not carry out any change on the problem domain. Conditions are nodes that query the problem domain to check if it meets certain criteria, returning true or false. These nodes help indirectly control the flow of the behaviour tree through their output when used in conjunction with composite nodes.

In this framework, the condition class is included with no added functionality over the node class. It's purely to distinguish its purpose rather than directly incur functional difference at this current time.


The decorator node (or wrapper node) is a node that contains or 'wraps' another node inside itself, extending the contained node's functionality without altering its encapsulated implementation or building a new class.


The inverter decorator inverts the response given by a node contained within it, returning true if the contained node returned false, and vice versa. If conditions follow the 'is' true convention, i.e. all the conditions check if something 'is' working or a property 'is' present, rather than 'is not', then when-ever a condition needs to find out if something 'is not' true, it can simply be wrapped in this inverter decorator rather than creating an additional class for checking when it 'is not' true.


Composite nodes (also know as the control flow nodes, or a branch) are nodes that contain an array of nodes within themselves, along with the logic behind how these encapsulated nodes should be executed. As such, these nodes are responsible for controlling the flow of execution of the encapsulated nodes within them through use of their own logic.

The two most common types of composite nodes are the Selector and Sequence nodes. Both of these are included in this framework.


The sequence composite node contains an array of nodes inside itself, which it iterated through processing each. Along the way, the sequence node will stop its iterating processing of internal nodes if any node returns false. If any node returns false, the sequence returns false. The sequence will return true if the processing of the internal array reaches the end without any of the nodes returning false; thus completing the sequence.


The selector composite node contains an array of nodes inside itself, which it iterated through processing each. Along the way, the selector node will stop its iterating processing of internal nodes if any node returns true. If any node returns true, the selector returns true. The selector will return false if the processing of the internal array reaches the end without any of the nodes returning true; thus failing to make a selection.


Optionally Typed

This framework has be built with the option of specifying a type for the blackboard object in mind to reduce errors. This is optional, and will of course fall back to the dynamic type by default if not set, as specified by the language.

All node classes have the option of explicitly specifying the blackboard type through generics via the class instantiation, i.e. new Node<Map<String, dynamic>>. With this interface, the components can define their own function's parameter type, such as Map<String, dynamic>, if suitable. Doing it this way helps keep the package as flexible as possible, whilst allowing explicit typing for the tree if required for the particular tree.

Encapsulated vs Decapsulated Dependency

For clarification in this context, encapsulated dependency here will refer to anything defined 'inside' of an object, that is, anything utilised as a self-referential within it's own scope to act in accordance to its own functionality. A decapsulated dependency here will be referencing anything 'outside' the object but is coupled to its functionality, such as the use of dependency injection (and imports).

Both of these have their uses and trade offs.

The design of the nodes in this framework accommodates for both of these design pattern approaches. New nodes can either be defined by creating a new class that implements the Node interface, or through passing the implementation logic to the Node object via dependency injection in the constructor.

Whilst it is highly recommended to produce a class for each node (for modularity purposes), it can be tedious and impractical to have to define this new class each time something needs to be quickly tested. This addition of defining an entirely new class can act as an 'antipattern' if a node is only ever going to be called for one instance or used temporarily. This helps to save time as a new class does not need to be defined for each node. If the node logic did later need to be encapsulated in a class, it is still easily moved over as the decapsulated function passed in must use the same parameters and return type as an encapsulated one.



Each node require a function called process() to be called and return a bool. Since all components of the behaviour tree are nodes and the nodes are generally contained within nodes, the starting node that contains (or makes reference to) all of the other nodes is the root node. The root node is the one that needs to begin the processing within the tree and is the entry point for the blackboard object (although this may differ in other behaviour tree frameworks). Generally speaking, the root node is going to be a type of composite node (such as a sequence or selector), to be able to contain other nodes within it. By calling process() on this node, and passing the blackboard object in this function, it trickles through all internal nodes, returning once the tree has finished the processing.

This example defines a new node as a new class, and is the best approach to use for making nodes. By encapsulating the logic in the class, it makes the node reusable, but takes a little longer to set up.

class HasPath implements Node {

  // Every implementation of Node must have the process function,
  // which executes all of the nodes processing logic
  Future<bool> process(Map<String, dynamic> blackboard) {

    // Carry out the logic that must return a Boolean (wrapped in 
    // a future as this is an asynchronous framework by nature).
    if (blackboard['path'] != null)
      return new Future(() => true);
    return new Future(() => false);


This next example creates a node from the base object, injecting the functionality. By using the decapsulated approach, code can be tested much faster as a new class does not need to be defined, however this is not a reusable pattern and is only good for testing or for code that will only be used once.

new Node((blackboard) {
  if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] != null)
    return new Future(() => true);

  return new Future(() => false);


Decorator nodes generally won't need to be extended, as such, just the decapsulated implementation will be exemplified. If one were to encapsulated new functionality by extending the class, it might be considered as an anti pattern as decorators simply extend the functionality of existing nodes, thus the nodes could be extended themselves if implementation is to be encapsulated into a new class.


To wrap a node in the inverter (to invert the process response):

// Instantiating node class and inverting result
new Inverter(new IsPathIndex());

// Or by instantiating base node class, injecting logic and inverting result
new Inverter(new Node((blackboard) {
  if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] == true)
    return new Future(() => true);

  return new Future(() => false);


For the composite nodes, again there is both an encapsulation approach or decapsulation approach. Whilst it is best to define a new class, the injection method is much faster as a temporary measure. (Note, this is only applicable for the sequence and selector classes implementing the composite. A decapsulated approach to the composite itself wouldn't be the best approach).


The encapsulated approach for a sequence:

class CheckLoggedIn<T> extends Sequence<T> {

  // Acting as a wrapper for the sequence constructor, simply pass the nodes 
  // to the parent constructor in the new class's constructor
  CheckLoggedIn() : super([
      // Instantiating node classes
      new HasPath(),
      new IsPathIndex(),

      // Instantiating base node class and injecting logic
      new Node((blackboard) {
        if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] != null)
          return new Future(() => true);

        return new Future(() => false);
      new Node((blackboard) {
        if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] == true)
          return new Future(() => true);

        return new Future(() => false);


And the decapsulated approach:

new Sequence([
    // Instantiating node classes
    new HasPath(),
    new IsPathIndex(),
    // Instantiating base node class and injecting logic
    new Node((blackboard) {
      if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] != null)
        return new Future(() => true);

      return new Future(() => false);
    new Node((blackboard) {
      if (blackboard['isLoggedIn'] == true)
        return new Future(() => true);

      return new Future(() => false);


The encapsulated approach for a selector:

class Route<T> extends Selector<T> {

  // Acting as a wrapper for the selector constructor, simply pass the nodes 
  // to the parent constructor in the new class's constructor
  Route() : super([
      // Instantiating node classes
      new IsPathIndex(),
      new IsPathUser(),

      // Instantiating base node class and injecting logic
      new Node((blackboard) {
        if (blackboard['path'] == '404')
          return new Future(() => true);

        return new Future(() => false);
      new Node((blackboard) {
        if (blackboard['noPath'] == 'somePath')
          return new Future(() => true);

        return new Future(() => false);


And the decapsulated approach:

new Selector([
    // Instantiating node classes
    new IsPathIndex(),
    new IsPathUser(),
    // Instantiating base node class and injecting logic
    new Node((blackboard) {
      if (blackboard['path'] == '404')
        return new Future(() => true);

      return new Future(() => false);
    new Node((blackboard) {
      if (blackboard['noPath'] == 'somePath')
        return new Future(() => true);

      return new Future(() => false);

Features and bugs

If there is any feature requests, bugs or questions, please feel free to email myself or find me on twitter. Any and all feedback is great, so feel free to contact me.