
An OpenDNS Client ( ip updater ) for Android

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Important Note: The application is now in "maintenance mode". Only basic support for new Android APIs will be provided from time to time.

I personally don't have the time to do much more on this project. PR are always welcomed, I will always review them. Errors and crash reporting is not present anymore

Quick presentation

OpenDNSUpdater is an extremely easy to use android app to perform dynamic IP updates.


OpenDns is a very famous DNS service used by a lot of people, but not everybody knows that they also provide some filtering product for individuals.

This type of service is free and can be very usefull to filter websites such as porn, phishing, malware, and many other category.

The service rely on your external IP to perform filter actions.

Why an android application for a DNS service ?

As I said on the previous line, the service rely on your external IP address, so when you change access point or start using mobile data, you request will not be filtered.

Updater exist for almost all other platform such as Windows, Mac and Linux, but not for Android or IOS. ( https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/227988607-OpenDNS-Compatible-Dynamic-DNS-DDNS-Clients )


  • Minimum Android API 21 ( Android 5.0 )
  • Android phone or tablet


Main screen



Quick and Simple :

You can download and install this app on your device using Google Play or F-Droid

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play

Other possibility

Download the attached apk in any release present on Github.

The long and boring solution

You can also download and recompile the source of the project. To do that :

  1. First clone the project
  2. Open it in android studio
  3. Build and install the project.

Any Help ?

If you find something that produce an error or something that should change in the next version or even if you have something to say, feel free to contact me or create an issue on this repository.

Anybody can contribute to this project !

Credits :


Guillaume : me@guillaumevillena.fr