
Managing shell runs, but easier!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python test PyPI version

A simple shell command manager. Used for running parallel simulations.


First install the package with pip:

pip install parallel_manager

To run the manager, we will need to wrap the manager initialization and request creations all in a async function like this:

from parallel_manager.manager import BaseShellManager
from parallel_manager.workerGroup import ShellWorkerGroup
import logging
import asyncio

async def Main():
    # Init the manager
    simpleShellWorkergroup = ShellWorkerGroup("simpleShellWorkergroup",
    simpleShellManager = BaseShellManager("simpleShellManager")
    simpleShellManager.add_workergroup("shell", simpleShellWorkergroup)
    await simpleShellManager.init()

    # Adding tasks
    # Here we just run 100 echo
    for i in range(100):
        simpleShellManager.add_shell_request(f"echoing loop-{i}", f"echo {i}")

    # Wait for the manager to finish
    await simpleShellManager.done()

Then we simply use asyncio.run() to run the above function:


The manager will run at most 10 processes at a given time and will terminate when all 100 requests are done.

Full example is at here


  1. Worker
    1. Receive request from queue and process it
  2. WorkerGroup
    1. Manage workers of same class
    2. Collect basic stats from workers
  3. Manager
    1. Might host various workergroups with different worker type
    2. Support various ways to add tasks
    3. Control workergroups/workers
    4. Various middleware/plugin to the BaseManager to implement other features like http web monitoring and task submission


Short-term todos

  1. Manager statistics plugin
  2. Manager summary when all tasks are done
  3. Manager prefix on creation
  4. Timeout support
  5. Status monitor, progress monitor
  6. Dump failed task/able to rerun
  7. Dump unfinished tasks when script terminates
  8. Kill ongoing shells when program abort (atexit)

Long-term todos

  1. Thread-mode support (completely non-blocking)
    1. Use a separate thread to run the workers
    2. Allow to submit task at any time
  2. Http monitor
  3. Interactive control for status monitoring and changing configuration dynamically, treat worker as a server that can submit task to, like a local slurm control
  4. PythonFunctionWorker class (execute python function calls) and other worker class as well
  5. Standardize plugin format for each class
    1. For instance, http server monitor could be a plugin that can be added to any manager class.