🖱 42Paris Project | cub3d


The goal of this project is to make our first steps in the Raycasting.
To help us, we will use the minilibx from 42, it asks to make a game in the steps of Wolfenstein 3D.
We have to manage the textures of the walls depending of their directions,
set a floor and ceiling colors to two differents ones,
move the camera with W, A, S, D (for moving) LEFT_ARROW and RIGHT_ARROW (for camera angle).
The game will be configured by a config file, it define the map, the color of floor and ceiling, the texture files and the start position of the player.
The mandatory part doesn't support wall collisions but the bonus part yes, we managed the collision and a mini-map.



make to compile the program.
make bonus to compile with the bonus part.
clean to clean objects files.
fclean to clean objects files and program file.

Execute: ./cub3D <map_name>
Few maps are already configured in maps folder.




Xavier Le-baux