
Simple file watcher for C & C++ Makefile projects. C-Watch is written using nodejs & gulp.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

A simple watcher program for C/C++ projects. Automatically runs make and executes the c program when src files are changed.


npm install -g c-watch


display help:

c-watch -h

this should output something like this:

 Available options:
  -s, --source="..."        ex. -s "./*, ./src/*"  #comma delimitted
  -g, --gcc="..."      [!]  ex. -g "-O3 --Wall"    #space delimitted
  -o, --out="..."           ex. -o "foo.out"
  -p, --params="..."        ex. -p "inFile.txt 25"
  -m, --make="..."          ex. -m "target"
  -h, --help                displays this menu

    [!] = Unsupported at this time.

run with defaults:


c-watch will look in the current directory for a Makefile and watches any files with .c, .cpp or .h extensions in the current directory. It tries to run an executable named a.out.

Common options


If your makefile is in a different location than the current directory, then you can explicitly provide it with the source flag (-s).

c-watch -s "some-dir/Makefile,src/*.c,src/*.h"


Specify to only build a certain item in the makefile:

c-watch -s "some-dir/Makefile,src/*.c,src/*.h" --make="target_two"

The above will run make target_two instead of just make by itself. Specify multiple targets if you want (delimited by spaces).


You will most likely want to specify where the executable is that your makefile built. This can be done with the output flag (-o) indicating c-watch should run that file.

c-watch -o ./bin/a.out


Pass some args to your c executable.

c-watch -p "input-file.txt 9000.1 0xFF -v ..etc."

gotcha: avoid using redirection for output in the param field. You can redirect the whole output with redirection outside of the param field.

#append output to output-file.txt
c-watch -p "input-file.txt" >> output-file.txt