
Supported Tasks

  • Task1: AMPs Binary classification.
  • Task2: AMPs regression.
  • Other task: Such as AMPs ranking and Multilabel classification, will be published in subsequent papers, coming soon.


# clone project
git clone
cd SenseXAMP

# create conda virtual environment
conda create -n torch1.7 python=3.8 
conda activate torch1.7

# install all requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Usage of SenseXAMP

1. Prepare datasets before using SenseXAMP

Datasets introduction

Before utilizing SenseXAMP, it's important to prepare the datasets appropriately. Our research utilized several dataset versions, and it's crucial to have all the following versions of datasets ready before running SenseXAMP:


  • Format: .csv
  • Description: This includes train.csv, val.csv, and test.csv. These datasets exclusively contain sequences and corresponding labels.
  • Obtaining Method: Download the "ori_datasets" version of the datasets from here.


  • Format: .h5
  • Description: These datasets are in .h5 format and are generated using the esm-1b model. This version of the dataset is derived from the ori_datasets.
  • Obtaining Method: By running the script tools/ (Since embeddings files are too large)


  • Format: .h5
  • Description: These datasets are in .h5 format and are obtained by calculating protein descriptors based on the sequences. This version of the dataset is derived from the ori_datasets.
  • Obtaining Method:
    1. Download from here.
    2. By running the script tools/ (Must get stc_csv version first)


  • Format: .csv
  • Description: These datasets are in .h5 format and are obtained by calculating protein descriptors based on the sequences. Also includes train.csv, val.csv, and test.csv. This version of the dataset is derived from the ori_datasets.
  • Obtaining Method: By running the script: tools/

Note: The "stc_csv" dataset version is primarily intended for comparative methods like SMEP and is not necessary for using SenseXAMP.

Datasets obtain

  1. Download the "ori_datasets" version of the datasets from here.

  2. Download the "stc_info" version of the datasets from here.

  3. For the "esm_embeddings" version of the dataset, it needs to be generated by running tools/

2. Download our model checkpoints to quickly reproduce our results

Download our model checkpoints from here.

3. Generate esm-1b embeddings using our scripts.

It is recommended to refer to the project structure we provide at end of this README to organize all versions of datasets.

Here is an example for generating esm-1b embeddings for the ori_datasets version of AMPlify dataset.

python tools/ --dataset_dir ./datasets/ori_datasets/AMPlify --fname AMPlify.h5

After running this command, an AMPlify.h5 file will be generated in the datasets/esm_embeddings/all directory.

Tips: Since our proposed balanced cls(classification) datasets is a subset of imbalanced cls datasets, if you generate embeddings for ori_datasets/cls_benchmark_imbalanced/ using this script,the generated cls_benchmark.h5 can be used for experiments of both balanced cls datasets and imbalanced cls datasets.

4. Run SenseXAMP

In this project, the model, datasets, and hyperparameters are all setted in Therefore, before running, please ensure that the corresponding is correctly configured.

4.1 Some introduction about configs we provided

We have provided configs for the main experiments in the paper, which can be referenced. The configs we provide are named according to the following rules: DATASET_

The following is an explanation of the specific words that appear in the name of our provided configs:

About datasets:

  • ecoli: Our proposed E.coli regression dataset.
  • saureus: Our proposed S.aureus regression dataset.
  • benchmark_balanced: Our balanced classification dataset.
  • benchmark_imbalanced: Our imbalanced classification dataset.
  • AMPlify: The AMPlify dataset.
  • AmPEP: The DeepAmpep-30 dataset.

About models:

  • fcn: The model-PD branch of SenseXAMP, utilizing structured data exclusively. Refer to the paper for detailed information.
  • onlyslfattn: The model-EB branch of SenseXAMP, exclusively using embeddings from esm-1b. Detailed information is available in the paper.
  • SenseXAMP: The comprehensive SenseXAMP model.

4.2 Train SenseXAMP

For example, train SenseXAMP on our proposed balanced classification datasets.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 \
--config ./configs/cls_task/ --mode train

4.3 Evaluate with SenseXAMP on the test set.

For example, evaluate with SenseXAMP on the test set of our proposed balanced classification datasets. (Make sure you have modified ckpt_path to checkpoint in the config file.)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 \
--config ./configs/cls_task/ --mode test

Project structure

The core project framework of SenseXAMP is outlined below. It is recommended to refer to this project structure when organizing all files.

├── Ampmm_base/  : Core implementaion of trainer, including models, loss, dataloader, etc.
│   ├── data/
│   ├── models/
│   ├── runner/
│   └── utils/
├── configs/     :  This folder contains various configs for different experiments, you can also write your own configs.
│   ├── cls_task/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └──
│   └── reg_task/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └──
├── datasets/     :  This folder contains different version of datasets
│   ├── ori_datasets/ : 'ori_datasets' version
│   │   ├── cls_benchmark_imbalanced/
│   │   ├── cls_benchmark_balanced/
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── AMPlify/
│   ├── stc_datasets/   : 'stc_datasets' version, same structure as 'ori_datasets'
│   ├── esm_embeddings/ : 'esm_embeddings' version
│   ├── stc_info/       : 'stc_info' version
├── experiments/ :  This folder contains experiments results. (including model checkpoints auto saved)
├── tools/       :  This folder contains useful scripts such as  generation of different version of datasets.
├── utils/       :  This folder contains necessary codes for the implementation of Ampmm_base
├── requirements.txt