
A CLI program for visualizing fractals

Primary LanguageC


Fractals are some of the coolest things to come out of mathematics ever in my humble opinion and so I wanted to write something that could visualize them. This repo includes two versions of the same program. The first is a fully featured fractal viewer that can show a number of different fractal types such as the burning ship, the mandelbrot set, and others. The second is my attempt to make it as small as possible while retaining basic functionality.

To Use

Compile either of the .c files, neither of them need any special libraries. The obfuscated version works with a fixed screen size so that is something to be aware of. The other version works perfectly fine and resizes to the terminal window size. Running this version with no inputs gives a usage message, too.

Interactive Mode

By choosing a fractal and then adding a -i flag, the program will allow you to enter a series of WASD (for moving), ZX (for zooming), and some other commands to help explore the fractal in depth. I thought it would be best to not include any additional libraries that I didn't need, so that's why you need to hit enter to use it. It has the added benefit of allowing you to fine tune your movement and even writing down a series of movements into a file and then read it in!

Controls Overview

Note: Every key must be entered with an enter if you're doing CLI input.

  • w,a,s,d - These keys will give you normal movement
  • z,x - Zoom in and out, respectively
  • i,k - Increase and decrease the maximum iterations
  • r - Reset zoom and position
  • q - quit
  • f - Save the current screen to a colored, high resolution ppm named output.ppm (warning they are big, converting to a png will save a lot of space)

Now with all of that out of the way, enjoy!