Space Invator Unity V2

Completed requirements

Built Game:

Add a Start Menu to the game. It will: (1 mark) Be the first screen that the player sees.---completed

(1 mark) When the game is first opened, display the name of your game and an opening message. ---completed

(2 marks) When the game ends, display the results of the game, and give the player an opportunity to play again. ---completed

(1 mark) Display a different message based on the results of the game (one message if the player lost, another if the player won). ---completed

(2 marks) Display the player's score. ---completed

(1 mark) Contain a button that allows the player to start playing the game. ---completed

Add Level 1, the level that you built in the first lab to this game. It will be the level loaded from the start menu. It will:

(1 mark) Keep track of how many hit points the player has. ---completed

(1 mark) Keep track of how many enemy ships still exist. ---completed

(2 marks) Load Level 2 if the player destroys all of the enemy ships. ---completed

(2 marks) Load the Start Menu if the enemies reduce the player's hit points to zero. ---completed

Add Level 2 to the game. It will be loaded once the first wave of enemy bots is cleared. It will:

(2 marks) Contain at least one new type of enemy bot. The new enemy bot will: ---completed

(2 marks) Fire different-looking projectiles. ---completed

(2 marks) Have a different sprite than the other enemies. ---completed

(2 marks) Move independently of the other enemies. ---completed

(2 marks) Also contain the same bots as Level 01, but ones that move at a faster speed ---completed

Submit the game as a build.(1 mark) ---completed