Employee Manager Login

This project is a user register login, and authenticate web application. Using server side routing middleware to host static file. Create a custom API, using JSON file to store data. Fetch data and display it on the client side.

Setting Up A Basic User Authentication System.

Setup a basic user login form for the employee manager.

Read files with Node.js

There are a couple of ways to read files with node. The easiest way is to readFileSync(). This is a blocking script meaning that everything stops until the file is loaded.

const fs = require('fs');
 function getFileContents = (filePath)=> {
    let fileContents =  fs.readFileSync(filePath) 
    fileContents = JSON.parse(fileContents)

Read files with Node.js

There are a couple of ways to read files with node. The easiest way is to readFileSync(). This is a blocking script meaning that everything stops until the file is loaded.

function writeFileContents = (filePath, data )=> {
    let fileContents = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath))
    // assuming data is an object being passed
     // convert the object to json
     fileContents = JSON.stringify(fileContents)
     // write file and data
     fs.writeFileSync(fs.readFileSync(filePath), fileContents)

EJS Templates

If the user email validates then we will grant access to the dashboard. Grab a new copy of the data folder from the teams folder. There is a file called users.json. That is the file mimics a database. We will read this file and see if the provided email matches the one in the users.json file.

  npm install ejs

Now lets configure ejs as the templating engine we are going to use with our project.

const ejs = require('ejs')
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, './views'));

How to send a server side template file as a response


Sending Data To A Template

 res.render('dashboard', {pageTitle:"Dashboard", pageHeading:"DashBoard Template"})
  • create dashboard page as server side template using ejs.
  • create user.json file to save platform users
  • create a fileService to read and write files.
  • create a login post route to handle the form.
  • Get form data from the body.
  • Send form data from client.

Resourses Common JS Modules

Writing Middleware For Express