
DiffuserCam source code


Init the repository and create a conda environment with required packages by running

make env

You can activate the environment with

conda activate diffusercam

If the requirements change, you can update the environment using

make requirements

Project Organization

├── Makefile           <- Makefile with commands like `make env` or `make requirements`
├── data
│   ├── interim        <- Directory containing our PSF function
│   ├── processed      <- Color-corrected photos taken by the DiffuserCam
│   ├── raw            <- The original photos
│   └── reconstructed  <- Reconstructed images
├── notebooks          
│   └── convolve_benchmark.ipynb
|                      <- Contains the performance tests for Convolve2D_fft
├── setup.py          
├── reports            
│   └── report.pdf     <- Our report in .pdf   
├── requirements.yml   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment with conda
├── setup.py           <- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so src can be imported
├── src                <- Source code for use in this project.
│   │
│   ├── reconstruction
│   │   ├── convolution_fft.py      <- Optimized 2D convolution operator
│   │   ├── dct.py                  <- Discrete Cosine Transform operator
│   │   ├── frame_expansion.py      <- Frame Expansion operator (see report for details)
│   │   ├── hubernorm.py            <- Huber Norm operator
│   │   ├── hyperopt.py             <- Optimization functions
│   │   ├── main.py                 <- Entry-point for image reconstruction
│   │   ├── optimizers.py           <- Wrappers of Pycsou optimization methods
│   │   ├── pipelines.py            <- Code to handle the different stages of reconstruction
│   │   ├── reconstruction.py       <- Code for reconstruction parallelization
│   │   ├── regularizations.py      <- Code for regularization strategies (regularization + optimizer + ...)
│   │   └── score.py                <- Code for computing metrics on images
|   |
│   ├── data                        <- Code for finetuning parameters on our dataset
│   │   ├── config.py               <- Reconstruction parameters
│   │   ├── io.py                   <- Code for loading the configuration
│   │   └── tuning.py               <- Entry-point

Useful commands

To reconstruct an image, use src/reconstruction/main.py with the following flags

  --psf_fp PATH                   File name for recorded PSF.
  --data_fp PATH                  File name for raw measurement data.  
  --data_truth_fp PATH            File name for ground truth image     
  --n_iter INTEGER                Number of iterations.
  --reg_lambda FLOAT              Regularizer lambda
  --hp_objective [mse|psnr|ssim|lpips]
                                  Hyperparameter tuning objective      
  --n_hp_trials INTEGER           Number of hyperparameter optimization
  --downsample FLOAT              Downsampling factor.
  --disp INTEGER                  How many iterations to wait for intermediate
                                  plot/results. Set to negative value for no
                                  intermediate plots.
  --flip                          Whether to flip image.
  --preview                       Whether to preview the image after
  --save                          Whether to save intermediate and final
  --save_dir PATH                 Relative/Absolute path to the directory in
                                  which output files are saved (MUST end with
                                  a slash)
  --gray                          Whether to perform construction with
  --bayer                         Whether image is raw bayer data.
  --no_plot                       Whether to no plot.
  --bg FLOAT                      Blue gain.
  --rg FLOAT                      Red gain.
  --gamma FLOAT                   Gamma factor for plotting.
  --reg [l2|lasso|non-neg|dct|tv-non-neg|huber-non-neg|fe-lasso|fe-huber]
                                  Regularization function
  --single_psf                    Same PSF for all channels (sum) or unique
                                  PSF for RGB.
  --parallel                      Enable parallelization of image
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Single image reconstruction

python ./src/reconstruction/main.py --psf_fp "./data/interim/psf_rgb.png" --data_fp "./data/processed/photo10_rgb.png" --reg lasso --n_iter 600 --reg_lambda 1.5e-7 --parallel --preview --save

reconstructs the 10th image of the dataset, using LASSO regularization and saving the result in ./data/results/

Hyperparameter tuning over all the images in the dataset

python ./src/data/tuning.py

loads the configuration in ./src/data/config.py and finds, for each image and regularization strategy, the best hyperparameter; saves the logs in ./data/results/hp.csv.