
Lai Lab website at Cornell.

Page accessible at: https://williamkmlai.github.io/

From a web technology standpoint this is built using jekyll. Even though there are other static site generators that can be deployed and hosted on GitHub, we chose jekyll as it is natively supported by GitHub, easy to learn, easy to integrate and configure DNS services, both GitHub and jekyll built using the same programming language ruby and also it is free to host among other things.

Note: Even though it is based on ruby, we will not be writing any code in ruby.


Note: This step-by-step tutorial covers all the basic concepts in building sites with jekyll. Highly recommend going though it on your local machine for fun. Takes about ~1hr.

Local development

  • Clone the repo from github.
  • Make your edits.
  • To view your changes type in the below command in your terminal from the root directory.
    • bundle exec jekyll serve
    • This should launch the website locally, usually at http://localhost:4000/ you do not need MAMP, WAMP or any other platform for developement or production.


  • git push or merging into to the main branch of this repo will automatically build and deploy your changes to production. These changes should be visible within a few minutes depending on time taken by GitHub to process it.
  • .gitignore is setup to ignore all temporary files generated during local development. Feel free to add others if you need to.