Global transparent proxy by nftables and v2raya (A web control panel used for switching v2ray nodes)

This guide will help you to config global transparent proxy on Debian.

Other distributions are NOT tested and have NO guarantees.

To begin with, you should ensure that you have got root access in order to do the following steps.

1. Install required softwares

0. Install necessary packages


apt update -y&&apt install wget curl nftables -y

If you need to use pppoe, install pppoeconf

apt install pppoeconf -y

Remove iptables by this command:

apt purge iptables* -y

1. Install v2ray via official install script

bash <(curl -L

2. Install v2raya

You may read this guide to install v2raya, but DO NOT install v2ray kernel. Only v2raya is required.

3. Edit the systemd unit of v2raya in order to prevent v2raya from breaking iptables and sysctl.

# /etc/systemd/system/v2raya.service
Description=v2rayA Service
Documentation= iptables.service ip6tables.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/v2raya --log-disable-timestamp --lite


4. Enable ipv4 forward in kernel and reload systemd

echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' >>/etc/sysctl.conf &&sysctl -p&&systemctl daemon-reload

5. An example of nftables config.

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset
include "/etc/iprules/bypass.nft"
table inet filter {
       chain input {
               type filter hook input priority 0;policy drop;
               ct state {established,related} accept
               iifname lo accept
               iifname enp3s0 accept
               icmp type echo-request accept
               ip saddr accept
               tcp dport {ssh,https,http,1080} accept
               udp dport {53} accept
       chain forward {
               type filter hook forward priority 0;policy drop;
               iifname enp3s0 oifname {enp4s0,ppp0} accept
               iifname {enp4s0,ppp0} oifname enp3s0 ct state {related,established} accept
       chain output {
               type filter hook output priority 0;policy accept;
table ip nat {
chain prerouting {
    type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
    ip daddr $bypassd return
    tcp dport {80,443,22,3389,853} redirect to :1234
chain postrouting {
    type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat;policy accept;
    oifname {enp4s0,ppp0} masquerade

For this configuration, the {enp4s0,ppp0} object should be replaced by the anme of the WAN interface on your device, the enp3s0 object should be replaced by the name of the LAN interface on your device, the object should be replaced by your LAN IP CIDR, and the{ssh,https,http,1080} object is list of ports that you want to enable on your WAN interface.

Please notice that only often used ports will go through proxy for the configuration above. If you want all ports to go through proxy, just replace tcp dport {80,443,22,3389,853} redirect to :1234 with ip protocol tcp redirect to :1234.

The UDP traffic won't go through proxy (In my opinion, the best way to relay UDP is L2 VPN instead. There are lots of problems of v2ray UDP relay).

The file /etc/iprules/bypass.nft is the IP list you want to bypass (IP list of China).

An example of the bypass list:

define bypassd = {,,,

In most cases, this list should contain CHN IP list and RFC1918 defined addresses.

If this device don't offer NAT services , delete oifname {enp4s0,ppp0} masquerade.

6. An example of v2ray configuration

You may replace /usr/local/etc/v2ray/config.json with the config below:

  "log": {

  "inbounds": [
      "tag": "transparent",
      "port": 1234,
      "protocol": "dokodemo-door",
      "settings": {
        "network": "tcp,udp",
        "followRedirect": true
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "destOverride": [
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "socks",
      "settings": {
        "servers": [
            "address": "",
            "port": 20170
      "tag": "proxy"

7. Install and config AdGuardHome

If you don't need DNS and DHCP services, ignore it.

Official guide to install AdGuardHome:

Or you may run this script:

curl -s -S -L | sh -s -- -v

An example of DNS config:

Enable DHCP server in AdGuardHome panel if needed.

8. Start and enjoy

systemctl enable --now v2ray
systemctl enable --now nftables
systemctl enable --now v2raya

Now you can access http://SERVERADDR:2017 to access v2raya panel to add v2ray nodes.