
To get this project running, you would need to enter in your terminal 'bundle install' to install all the required gems. Then rake db:migrate && rake db:seed && rails s to set the database and have some sample data. Then rails s will start your server. If Rails doesn't open up your browser for you, entering localhost:3000 in your browser should take you to the root page of the application.

Acceptance criteria

  • The application should contain models that represent users, videos, and video usage.
  • The application should have a single route that takes a video ID and returns an HTML page.
  • The HTML page should contain a graph showing the audience retention curve for a specific video. The audience retention curve shows the number of views for every moment of a video as a percentage of the total number of video views. Based on typical viewing patterns, you would expect the curve to descend as it travels along the x-axis -- fewer and fewer people continue watching as a video progresses.
  • For our purposes, it is sufficient to track retention based on 25%-marks. That is, graph what percentage reached the 25% mark of the video, what percentage reached 50%, etc.