
Short tutorial for getting OpenStreetMap data into the Unity game engine

Importing 3D GIS Data into Unity

OpenStreetMap ➡️ Blender ➡️ Unity

Steps to creating a 3D terrain in Unity from OpenStreetMap

The instructions below should guide you through taking OSM data within Blender and exporting it into Unity to create a 3D terrain for a game.

  • Download the zip file in BlenderGIS
    • Click the green button Code and then click Download ZIP
  • Install the add-on by going to Edit and then clicking on Preferences and then selecting Add-ons in the lefthand panel. Select Install and then locate the ZIP file on your computer, then press Install Add-on
    • There is an option if you expand the add-on under Basemaps called Cache folder - make sure you have this pointing towards a folder on your computer where you can store GIS data temporarily.
  • After installing, you should have a button on the main screen of Blender to the right of Object called GIS. Go to Web geodata then Basemap. Select the source you want (whether Google, OSM or another data source).
  • You will then be shown a map of the world. Scroll to the location you want, or press g and type in a location. Once you have your area in view, press e as a shortcut to snip the screen in view.
  • To get the OSM data, go back to GIS and select Web geodata followed by Get OSM. You will then be able to select all the various datasets of interest to you. Be sure to select Elevation from object. Press ok and give your computer a little time to import the data—it can take some time depending on how much there is, so keep your area of interst reasonable; i.e. don't try to import an entire city unless you happen to have a super computer 🖥
  • Finally, export as an .obj file to a folder on your computer, and import into Unity. You now have an entire geographic area from the real world in your game!