Document Splitting
Data Link :
Model and Submission link:
Final Thesis report:
bash-3.2$ cd DocumentSplittingChallenge/ bash-3.2$ du -hs * 8.5G corpus1 7.3G corpus2 bash-3.2$ ls */*/* corpus1/TrainTestSet/ corpus2/TrainTestSet/ corpus1/TrainTestSet/Trainset: Doclengths_of_the_individual_docs_TRAIN.json data VerzoekEnBesluit ocred_text.csv.gz corpus2/TrainTestSet/Trainset: Doclengths_of_the_individual_docs_TRAIN.json ocred_text.csv.gz data
The folder contains 2 traintest sets, corpus1 and corpus2. Both have the same setup:
- a testset that you cannot see, but which consists of similar files as the trainset (also from the same source)
- a trainset that you can see, containing
- gold standard in
- for every filename a list of the lengths of the individual docs (in order). You cabn check that the sum of the lengths in the list for pdf doc A is equal to the number of pages in A.
- the data: a set of pdfs, whose filename is (almost) equal to the keys in the gold standard json
- additional information (eg in VerzoekEnBesluit) on each wob-request.
the ocred text from each page in each pdf in the corpus
- gold standard in
- Create software that can split such PDFs. The output should be a json file with the same structure as the gold standard.
- Your software needs to run as is on a computer provided by the organisation of the challenge, on a folder with the same structure as the Trainset.
- A sandbox will be provided in which you can try out your code.
- The performance of your splitter is measured by mean Bcubed F1 and mean Hamming distance over all docs in the two testsets. So each run obtains four evaluation measures.
Run python script with variable parser arguments:
--project [project name]: where the model and logging are stored, default location ./models/mlp_model/[project name]
--model [model name]: choosing model, vgg_lstm (VGG-LSTM) or bert (VGG-BERT)
--weighted [weighted dir]: load pretrained weighted, if you don't want to use pretrained weighted, ignore this argument
--device [select device]: cuda or cpu
--epochs [num epochs]: setting number of training epochs
--batch_size [num batch]: setting batch size
--l_r [learning rate]: setting learning rate
--loss [loss function]: focal or bce
--optim [optimizer]: sam, adam or sgd
--augment [bool]: True or False, augment training data, only class 1
For example, train data with VGG-BERT model, without pretrained weighted, running on GPU, set epochs is 350, batch size 64, learning rate 0.001, focal loss, sam optimizer and augment training data, saving location ./models/mlp_model/train_bert:
python --model bert --device cuda --epochs 350 --batch_size 64 --l_r 0.001 --loss focal --optim sam --augment True --project train_bert
to change to VGG-LSTM, replace
--model bert
--model vgg_lstm
to change to VGG only, replace
--model bert
--model vgg_only
to change to LSTM only, replace
--model bert
--model lstm_only
to change to BERT only, replace
--model bert
--model bert_only
Run python script with variable parser arguments:
--project [project name]: where the confusion matrix are stored, default location ./models/mlp_model/[project name]
--model [model name]: choosing model, vgg_lstm (VGG-LSTM) or bert (VGG-BERT)
--weighted [weighted dir]: load pretrained weighted
--device [select device]: cuda or cpu
--batch_size [num batch]: test batch size
--mode [mode run]: test or train, default is train
For example, test VGG-BERT model with best vailidation loss model, running on CPU, test batch size 256, weighted location
saving location
python --mode test --project test_bert --device cpu --batch_size 256 --weighted ./models/mlp_model/train_test/