
Docker setup for a simple Flask web app (w/ nginx, pandas, postgres, redis, celery)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


hipflask is a web app for me to try out Docker, Docker Compose, and the Python micro web-framework Flask.


The tech stack currently uses:

  • nginx as a reverse proxy
  • postgresql as a relational database
  • flask as the web server
  • redis as an in-memory database and message-broker
  • celery as a distributed task queue (not yet working for Docker)

Getting started


If you only want to use flask locally, here is how to get started:

$pip install -r requirements  # to install libraries, I recommend a virtualenv
$export FLASK_APP = hipflask.py  # set environment variable to our app
$flask run --no-reload   # run flask locally
$python -m unittest discover .  # run unit tests inside hipflask dir

Flask Usage

After running, you should be able to see the server locally:

To see an example template, view:

###Docker and Docker Compose

Make sure docker and docker-compose is installed. Go to the directory where 'docker-compose.yml' is and then run:

$docker-compose up  # might take a while to build the first time
$docker-compose run --rm web python /web/hipflask/create_db.py  # To add some data into the db
$docker-compose down  # when you want to shut down the containers


In the future I want to:

  • Fix Celery Workers
  • Create integration test examples
  • Organize directories
  • Setup continuous integration with GitHub and CircleCI
  • Setup continuous deployment on AWS
  • Setup monitoring


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details