
Setup scheduler with Apache Airflow, mysql, and rabbitmq

Primary LanguagePython


ETL prototype using Airflow and MySQL


See below steps to get the IP Address of your container from Docker.


docker-compose up
docker ps -a  # to list docker container names, ids
docker inspect <container_name>  # look for the 'IP Address' 

Get Container IP Address

To get a container's ip address (e.g. container_name is schmeckle_db_1, schmeckle_airflow_1):

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name_or_id

Get Network Info

To list docker networks:

docker network ls

To inspect a specific network (e.g schmeckle_default). By default, uses the default bridge network

docker network inspect schmeckle_default

Attach to running container

To attach to a running container (so you can see what outputs on the log), specify the container name (e.g. schmeckle_airflow_1)

docker attach schmeckle_airflow_1


Below steps assume Airflow is running on an IP Address of:

Airflow runs a Flask server as a GUI:

Airflow Commands

# print the list of active DAGs
airflow list_dags

# print the list of tasks for the 'tutorial' dag_id (e.g. dags/tutorial.py)
airflow list_tasks tutorial

# print the hierarchy of tasks in the 'tutorial' DAG
airflow list_tasks tutorial --tree

# testing tutorial's print_date task
# follows format: command subcommand dag_id task_id date
airflow test tutorial print_date 2017-08-19

# Initialize the Database
airflow initdb

# Start the web server (default port of 8080)
airflow webserver -p 8080

# Run a task instance
airflow run example_bash_operator runme_0 2017-08-19

# Run a backfill over 2 days (start, end)
airflow backfill example_bash_operator -s 2017-08-17 -e 2017-08-19


Below steps assume MySQL is running on an IP Address of:


Below steps assume RabbitMQ is running on an IP Address of: A web UI will be available at: with the default login: guest and password: guest.