
This is a very basic time tracking app (my first website)

Primary LanguagePython


This was my first web application, a very simple time tracker. The goal was to allow easy access and limited modification to database tables through a web interface.


  • Using Sphinx under datasite/docs/
  • Documentation is kept as website pages (e.g. under timesheet/datasite/docs/_build/html/index.html)


Login info (assuming a login name of dsadmin)

  • Ubuntu Server Host:
  • Login Name: dsadmin
  • You can login with ssh (Mac/Linux) or PuTTY (Windows). E.g. $ssh dsadmin@

Start Nginx

$sudo service nginx start

Activate VirtualEnv

$source /opt/mha_env/bin/activate

Start Gunicorn (assuming a database named dataentry and binding say 5 workers)

$sudo service gunicorn restart
$gunicorn dataentry.wsgi:application --bind -w 5


Use with virtualenvwrapper (mha_env) - see requirements.txt for environment setup using pip install -r requirements.txt

Git and GitHub

Use git to update the local repository through command line. Remember to have the correct settings in settings.py when on local instead of production.

git init  # Initialize a local git repository
touch .gitignore  # Add a gitignore file
git push origin <branchname> # Push the branch to your remote repo

# Add files, commit changes
git add .  # Adds all files or specify the specific files
git commit -m "This is a git message for the commit"  # Commit with message

# Create branches, checkout branches
git branch features  # Create a branch called features
git checkout features  # Check out a branch named features
git checkout master  # Check out the master branch

# Merge changes back to master
git pull # Fetch and merge changes on the remote server to your working dir
git merge features # Merge a different branch into your active branch

# Stash
git stash  # hide your current changes on branch
git stash pop  # get your hidden changes on branch

# Issues
git diff # View all the merge conflicts
git reset --hard origin/master # Undo a really bad merge


  • Check functional test with: manage.py functional_tests.py
  • Check unit test coverage with: coverage run manage.py test
  • Run unit test coverage report with: coverage html --include="timesheets/*.*" and then look under folder 'htmlcov' > 'index.html'


We are using MySQL with South for database migrations

  • For South, first initialize with: python manage.py migrate timesheets --initial
  • After initialization (done), update with: python manage.py timesheets --fake
  • How to update: manage.py schemamigration timesheets --auto
  • Login to MySQL on command line: mysql -u root -p
  • Show and Use Database (assuming name is dataentry):
  • mysql> show databases;
  • mysql> use dataentry;
  • mysql> show tables;