The project is a game which involves launching a projectile from its starting platform to a target platform. The user will only get one chance to successfully launch the projectile and land it on the target platform. The user will use an energy gague to determine how far they want the projectile to travel. The objective of the game is to collect 100 points by successfully landing the projectile onto the target platform. If the user lands directly in the middle of the platform, the user will get 2 points. If the user lands on the platform but not directly in the middle of the platform, they will get 1 point. A bonus target may appear randomly at certain levels (optional). The bonus target will appear in the middle of the start and target platforms. If the user is able to touch the bonus target and land on the platform, they will receive an additional 1 point (optional). The game ends if the user collects 100 points or if they do not successfully land on the target platform. When the user successfully launches the projectile onto the target, a new screen will appear with a new target platform. On certain levels, the start platform might be augmented which will increase the difficulty of successfully completing the level.