
Analysis of German Used Car Sales from eBay Classifieds

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Analysis of German Used Car Sales from eBay Classifieds

The aim of this project is to clean the data and analyze the included used car listings. The listings are from Germany and some relevant information / values are in German. Our data cleaning process included making conversions from German to English.

The data dictionary provided with data is as follows:

  1. dateCrawled - When this ad was first crawled. All field-values are taken from this date.
  2. name - Name of the car.
  3. seller - Whether the seller is private or a dealer.
  4. offerType - The type of listing
  5. price - The price on the ad to sell the car.
  6. abtest - Whether the listing is included in an A/B test.
  7. vehicleType - The vehicle Type.
  8. yearOfRegistration - The year in which the car was first registered.
  9. gearbox - The transmission type.
  10. powerPS - The power of the car in PS (horse power).
  11. model - The car model name.
  12. kilometer - How many kilometers the car has driven.
  13. monthOfRegistration - The month in which the car was first registered.
  14. fuelType - What type of fuel the car uses.
  15. brand - The brand of the car.
  16. notRepairedDamage - If the car has a damage which is not yet repaired.
  17. dateCreated - The date on which the eBay listing was created.
  18. nrOfPictures - The number of pictures in the ad.
  19. postalCode - The postal code for the location of the vehicle.
  20. lastSeenOnline - When the crawler saw this ad last online.

Load Workspace

Data analysis in python usually begins by importing the relevant libraries. we've imported libraries for cleaning and manipulating tabular data, for visualizing data and for statistical analysis.

import re
import datetime as dt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

Data Cleaning

Our data cleaning process involved teh following actions:

  • Renaming columns to snail case
new_columns = {

df = df.rename(columns=new_columns)
  • Mapping values to convert German words to English & converting data types to appropriate formats
    date_crawled=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.date_crawled),
    date_created=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.date_created),
    last_seen=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.last_seen),
    postal_code=lambda x: x.postal_code.astype(str),
    seller=lambda x: x.seller.map({'privat':'private', 'gewerblich':'commercial'}).fillna(x.seller),
    name=lambda x: x.name.str.replace('_', ' '),
    brand=lambda x: x.brand.str.replace('_', ' ').map({'sonstige autos':'other cars'}).fillna(x.brand),
    offer_type=lambda x: x.offer_type.map({'Angebot':'offer', 'Gesuch':'request'}).fillna(x.offer_type),
    price_usd=lambda x: x.price_usd.str.replace('$', '', regex=False).str.replace(',','', regex=False).astype(float),
    odometer_km=lambda x: x.odometer_km.str.replace('km', '', regex=False).str.replace(',','', regex=False).astype(float),
    gearbox=lambda x: x.gearbox.map({'manuell':'manual', 'automatik':'automatic'}).fillna(x.gearbox),
    vehicle_type=lambda x: x.vehicle_type.map({'kleinwagen':'small car', 'kombi':'station wagon', 'cabrio':'convertible', 'andere':'others'}).fillna(x.vehicle_type),
    fuel_type=lambda x: x.fuel_type.map({'benzin':'petrol', 'elektro':'electric', 'andere':'others'}).fillna(x.fuel_type),
    unrepaired_damage=lambda x: x.unrepaired_damage.map({'nein':'no', 'ja':'yes'}).fillna(x.unrepaired_damage),
    model=lambda x: x.model.map({'andere':'others'}).fillna(x.model),
  • Dropping features with not enough variation in values.
df = df.drop(columns=['num_of_pictures', 'seller', 'offer_type'])
  • Replacing missing values in categorical features with the mode
df.loc[df.vehicle_type.isna(), 'vehicle_type'] = df.vehicle_type.mode().iloc[0]
df.loc[df.gearbox.isna(), 'gearbox'] = df.gearbox.mode().iloc[0]
df.loc[df.fuel_type.isna(), 'fuel_type'] = df.fuel_type.mode().iloc[0]
df.loc[df.unrepaired_damage.isna(), 'unrepaired_damage'] = df.unrepaired_damage.mode().iloc[0]
  • Correcting registration year for absurd values
df.loc[df.registration_year < 1950, 'registration_year'] = 1950

Exploratory & Statistical Analysis


The numeric columns were distributed as follows: Numeric Distributions

The categorical columns were distributed as follows: Categorical Distributions

Listing Price of Used Cars Over Time Car Price over Time

The average price for the earlier months may reflect fewer listings in that period, many of which were high value.

Car Price Over Time (No Outliers)

When grouped by month, used car listing price has no real seasonal trends: Car Price By Month - Seasonal Trends

Nearly all listings are made in the month of March: Listings per Month

How Long Do Listings stay onsite?

We'll use this analysis to determine how old listings are on the website. We'll arrive at this value by subtracting date_created from last_seen.

    listing_duration=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.last_seen.dt.date) - x.date_created
    listing_duration=lambda x: x.listing_duration.dt.total_seconds() / (60 * 60 * 24)

Most listings remain on the site for under 50 days. However, our histogram has a long right tail. Period Listings Remain on Site

What's the average cost of cars & average mileage of cars with long listing periods?

  • The average car price for listings longer than 50 days is 9,107.80
  • The average car price for listings under 50 days is 9,840.41
  • The average car price in the dataset is 9,840.04

Neither mileage nor price seems to be a cause for listings staying longer on the site. This hypothesis is confirmed when we test for correlation.

Listing duration by Brands & Vehicle Type

There is no clear relationship between Brands or Vehicle Types and listing duration: Relationship between Brands & Listing Duration

Relationship between Vehicle Types & Listing Duration

Exploring Price by Brand Brands & Price

Average Mileage for Top 10 Brands Brands & Mileage

Name Column Review

Mostly, the listings column contains text with car brand names and the most popular listed car is the Mercedes Benz. Name Feature Wordcloud

Most Common Brand & Model Combinations Brand & Model Combos

Most Common Brand & Gearbox Combinations Brand & Gearbox Combos

Patterns in Odometer Columns First, we split the odometer feature into groups, and used aggregation to determine if average prices follow any patterns based on the mileage. A pattern was evident. Odometer & Price

We tested the pattern using boxplot, correlation and regression and found that the pattern had no statistical significance.

Relationship between Price and Numeric Columns

  • Unrepaired Damage
  • Vehicle Type
  • Fuel Type
  • Gear Box

Categorical Features & Average Price

When tested for statistical significance, the chart fails.


For the distribution of numeric features:

  • Price is very right skewed with 98.4% of values under 30k
  • Registration year is left skewed, with most cars being registered after 1990.
  • Horse power is severely right skewed as well.
  • Odometer only has a few unique values, making a better categorical column than numeric. It is also left skewed, with most listings having odomoter values inexcess of 120km.

For distribution of Categorical features:

  • More limousines are listed on the site
  • Manual fearboxes are omre popular
  • Petrol engines are more popular
  • Cars with no unrepaired damaged are more popular.

In plotting price over time, there's no specific trend and there's no seaonality trend in price.

Nearly all listings are in the month of March.

Most listings stay onsite for less than 50 days. In determining why listings stay on site for longer, neither price, brand, vehicle type nor mileage is a good predictor.

The most expensive listed vehicle brand is the Porsche and the least expensive is the Daewoo.

The top 10 brands by avereage mileage is made up of luxury and non-luxury vehicle brand names.

Mercedex Benz is the most popular listing name.

The volkswagen golf is the most popular brand/model combination with nearly 4k listings. On average the car is listed for $4861.99.

When grouped by odometer, we gind that the higher the odometer value, the lower the average price. However, this hypothesis fails statistical testing.

None of the remaining variables are able to explain the variation in the price column, implying that there is no statistically significant relationship between price and other features.