
Social Network Traffic Generator: python utility to generate synthetic social netowrk traffic

Primary LanguagePython


SONETOR is a set of utilities that generates synthetic social network traces. This social network traces represent interaction of users in a social network fashion or in a regular client-server fashion.

We invite interested readers to [1] for further information.


  • Synthetic trace generator
  • Represents social network or client-server traffic
  • Create traces with mobility patterns


In order to install SONETOR, you have two options. Either to install it using virtualenv, either without it.

setuptools - from Git repository

Without virtualenv:

> apt-get install git
> apt-get install python-dev
> apt-get install python-networkx python-scipy python-numpy python-pyparsing
> git clone https://github.com/panisson/pymobility.git
> cd pymobility
> python setup.py install
> cd ..
> git clone https://github.com/mesarpe/sonetor
> cd sonetor
> chmod +x sonetor.sh

With virtualenv:

> apt-get install git
> apt-get install python-dev
> apt-get install python-virtualenv
> apt-get install python-networkx python-scipy python-numpy
> virtualenv .
> source bin/activate
> easy_install numpy scipy pyparsing networkx
> git clone https://github.com/panisson/pymobility.git
> cd pymobility
> python setup.py install
> cd ..
> git clone https://github.com/mesarpe/sonetor
> cd sonetor
> chmod +x sonetor.sh

Creating the first trace file:

> ./sonetor.sh examples/example.ini /tmp/trace123

NOTE: if you still have problems, just let me know.


NumPy, SciPy, Networkx and PyMobility


#create new trace python traffic.py examples/example.ini | sort -k 1 -t ' ' -n > /tmp/traza;

#add mobility python mobility.py examples/example.ini /tmp/traza > /tmp/traza2;

Regular Traffic traces (build_regulartraffic.sh [configuration_file] [output_trace_file]:

python traffic.py examples/regulartraffic.ini | sort -k 1 -t ' ' -n > /tmp/traza; python complete_client_server_traces.py examples/regulartraffic.ini > /tmp/traza_header; cat /tmp/traza_header /tmp/traza > /tmp/traza2; python mobility.py examples/example.ini /tmp/traza2 > /tmp/traza;

Generate regular traffic traces:

for alpha in 065 110 150 200; do for i in 1 2 3; do ./build_regulartraffic.sh examples/compare_caching/reg_106_$alpha_waypoint.ini /data/caching/reg_106_$alpha_waypoint.trace.$i; done; done


If you have a Github account please fork the repository, create a topic branch, and commit your changes. Then submit a pull request from that branch.


Written by César Bernardini mesarpe@gmail.com
Copyright (C) 2014 César Bernardini. You can contact us by email (mesarpe@gmail.com).


[1] Cesar Bernardini, Thomas Silverston, Olivier Festor. SONETOR: a Social Network Traffic Generator. IEEE ICC 2014.