
Fork of https://sr.ht/~migadu/alps/ for use with https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu

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A simple and extensible webmail.

Usage with Mailu

This guide assumes that you are running docker compose, your mailu folder is "/mailu/" and your mailu containers are using default names you also need to run some of the commands as root

Build the Dockerfile

Clone this repository with the docker file:

git clone https://github.com/Willow0349/alps.git

Enter the alps folder:

cd alps

Build the docker image:

docker build --no-cache --pull -t alps-webmail:1.0 .

Copy current nginx config

To export your nginx config run:

docker cp mailu-front-1:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /mailu/overrides/nginx/nginx.conf

Edit exported nginx config

Now edit the nginx config /mailu/overrides/nginx/nginx.conf you need to change:
location /webmail/sso.php { To: location /webmail/login {
try_files $uri /webmail?homepage; To: try_files $uri /webmail;
Make sure to keep the indentation the same.

Edit docker-compose.yml

Change - "/mailu/overrides/nginx:/overrides:ro" To: - "/mailu/overrides/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
And Change image: ${DOCKER_ORG:-ghcr.io/mailu}/${DOCKER_PREFIX:-}webmail:${MAILU_VERSION:-2.0} To: image: alps-webmail:1.0 Again make sure to keep the indentation the same.

Reload Mailu

docker compose down && docker compose up -d