
Instagram Authentication Flutter App Example

Primary LanguageDart


An example of an app with Instagram Authentication on Flutter.

Installation and Usage

  1. Follow the installation instructions on https://flutter.io/get-started/install/ to install Flutter.
    • System requirements
      • Operating System of 64 bit (Windows, MacOs, Linux)
      • Disk Space: Windows - 400 MB, MacOs - 700 MB, Linux - 600 MB
      • Tools: Windows (git), MacOs-Linux (bash, mkdir, rm, git, curl, unzip, which)
    • Get the Flutter SDK To get Flutter, use git to clone this repository and then add the flutter tool (path\to\flutter\bin) to your computer path.
    • run "flutter doctor" on command prompt or POWER SHELL. Running flutter doctor shows any remaining dependencies you may need to install.
    • iOS setup
      • Install Xcode
      • Set up the iOS simulator
      • if you want to deploy to iOs devices you need to intall these dependencies: homebrew, libimobiledevice, ideviceinstaller, ios-deploy, cocoapods
    • Android setup
      • Install Android Studio, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code
      • Dependencies: Flutter and Dart plugins (Android Studio, IntelliJ) - dart code Extension (Visual Studio Code)
      • Set up your Android device or emulator
  2. Clone this repository
  3. You'll need to create an Instagram developer account. Follow the instructions here.
  4. Once your account is created, you'll register your application and obtain your APP ID and APP SECRET.
  1. Put your APP_ID and APP_SECRET in the constants.dart file.
  2. flutter_auth can be run like any other Flutter app, either through the IntelliJ UI or through running the following command from within the flutter_auth directory:
flutter run