I'm currently enrolled in the Udacity Frontend Web Developer Nanodegree program, as a receipient of the Transcend Award. With this award, we have 3 months to complete the entire Frontend curriculum. This is no easy feat, as the normal Nanodegree student takes 6-9 months to complete curriculum. I'm excited about being honored with this Award and happy to join over 50 other students in this program.
To help me track my progress and play around with what I've learned, I created this project folder. I will only include code for optional tasks assigned, such as those offered for additional practice. The quizzes, problem set solutions, or any required projects that I submit for official review will not be added here.
- Project 0: Letter Assignment
- We were assigned to write a motivational letter to ourselves outlining our learning goals and what we hope to achieve by the end of the program.
- Portfolio: A collection of different tasks I did in preparing for the Portfolio project
- Framework: We were assigned to build a CSS grid framework to structure columns. Mine is a basic 12-column grid with a test for media queries.
- Resume: A interactive resume powered by JavaScript and jQuery
- Credit to Chris Pittman for the code in the helper.js file. You can clone the master repo here to follow along with the project.
- This project uses Chart.js. Credit to Nick Downie, copyright 2013, released under MIT license
- Commit: Create a commit following the Udacity Style Guide
- I changed this README.md file to submit a sample commit to turn in. This should fulfill the requirements of that assignment.